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Re: Forge World

Posted: 31 Mar 2012, o 12:49
by mahon
failed because they failed to wait until April? :think:

Re: Forge World

Posted: 31 Mar 2012, o 13:17
by Ariakas
Nope, because the pic was put on their site, spread all over the net then took down just to be put online again :p
Either way, they announced it will be sold at their open day tomorrow :)

Re: Forge World

Posted: 1 Apr 2012, o 22:56
by Hellspawn

Re: Forge World

Posted: 2 Apr 2012, o 07:28
by Hellspawn
Terrain kits are being worked one. Realm of Battle Boards and more expansions for Zone Mortalis coming, but other stand alone pieces are planned. Race specific RoB sections are planned, for most armies in 40k AND Fantasy.

Imperial Armour 12 is Minotaur Space Marines Vs Necrons. Focus is on sectorwide conflict rather than specific system/planets, so it will incorporate IG and probably other races as well. It will present a facet of Imperial war we haven't really seen before. To go with the book expect a BIG expansion of FW's Necron range.

Minotaurs will probably appear in several unlinked books, with an overall unfolding mystery about them.

The Tzeentch/penal colony stuff will most likely be IA13 now and will most likely cover a Tzeenchian Cult across several legions and renegade Space Marines.

Adeptus Mechanicus MAY appear in the next 2-3 books. Not certain, and probably more as part of a faction than as a force in their own right. They really want to do Knight Titans, but will be a while away yet.
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Right, more tidbits!

Several people asked about a bulk land pod for the Thunderhawk Transporter. Again, it's another case of "something we'd like to do, but have no plans or concepts for it yet.

For those of you who aren't so pleased with the WD SoB codex... well, FW haven't got that on their radar yet, but really want to do a War of Faith style IA book, with Sister and lots of screaming fanatics. Earliest would be several years down the pipeline though.

Some points were raised about Blakc Library and FW cross-overs. Basic reply was that they love to draw inspiration from each other, but neither party wants to do any tie-ins because it screws with their creative freedom. Specifically, can you imagine how a BL author would feel if one of his favourite characters to write had a bullet put in the back of his head by a FW writer?

Hopefully they will be putting a new one out every year or year and a half. Most likely the next one will be a Fantasy release. That said, it was doubtful they would be releasing and more hobby supplies such as their weathering powders any time soon.

Despite the release of so many older marks of armour and relic style vehicles/weaspon, FW will not be doing any pre/heresy stuff any time soon. To do a book would essentially mean SM vs SM, and would be such a big project it would be very very difficult to manage around doing other releases. They also don't feel it would work too well along the lines of the game set in the 41st millenium, so wouldnt work with/against 41st millennium codicies. Afterall, the great crusade was humanity expanding across the whole galaxy in a few hundred years, wipining out all but a handful of sentient xenos races.

FW also apologised for dropping a lot of their older scenery kits recently, particularly the old trench system. Basically comes down to not being able to constantly stock enough, with terrain beaing some of the worst selling stuff and too expensive to manufacture for what they can reasonably expect to sell it at. The old foam bits were also too damagable. Hopefully the new hollow terrain casting methods will mean they can stock and create a much greater variety (as I've already mentioned.)

FW want to convert more of the deamon engines and superheavies from epic in to 40k sclae. however, simply blowing up the old models is not a realistic option, so they would need to be completely redesigned, probably keeping little more than the original name. they also pointed out that scale ratios in epic do not work in 40k. mostly, especially on tall models such as titans, they are too short! And the taller the model, the worse this difference is (so my warlord at 40+ inches isnt too far off what they should be)

The FW design team want to keep IG using tracked vehicles, grinding forwards, rather than wheels like trrop trucks or bikes. Don't expect to see too many exceptions like the tauros for the elysians. They will only do it where it makes sense for a regiemtn in their books.

FW won't be doing any Fellblades for the Space Marines. They dont feel it fits with 40k since the reorganisation of the Legions to chapters. There was however talk of doing weapons packs, such as 10 combi-meltas for example only, that would be popular. Similar to the Chapterhouse kits. No firm confirmation on this though.

As they've pointed out before, FW have very few links with the main design studio, so theyk now nothing of 6th Ed and how their stuff will integrate. As far as FW are concerned, anything stamped with the 40k approved logo is balanced enough for regular games, but always ask your opponant (no reason to say no, but...) They haven't even had a chance to get a hold of the new paints yet (so I had to tell Phil what they were like!) Similarly, there is no connection between the FW Demigryphs and the new empirs plastics as far as the FW team are aware.

FW are happy with the rate at which they put out books. They want to cover all the race before they cover any again (though expect Imperials to be in all books, quite possibly mostly Minotaurs for the next few), so we are now expecting Necrons in IA12, Tzeentch later (prob IA13) then DE and Slaanesh before anyone else gets re-done. Necrons are in very early concept phase, so will be a while before we get out hand on them, but there are all ready plans afoot for a BIG kit for Orks when they come round again. They will almost certainly get either a Bomma or a Gargant. Quite possibly both.

Right, that is about it from me. BTW I love the Imperial Avenger. Wonderful looking aircraft, much nicer than the Lightnings or Thunderbolt (and I have a few of those) but I'm still not keen on the Storm Eagle.

Did we all ready know about the longer base Land Raider that is similar to the original scratch built one, or am I imagineing that? Either way, that looks pretty awesome too!

I do have a couple more notes to deciphere, but I think they are more clarifications on the points I've all ready made. Feel free to ask me questions if anything is unclear and I'll try to dredge up what I can from my memory.
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Re: Forge World

Posted: 2 Apr 2012, o 07:38
by Hellspawn

Re: Forge World

Posted: 2 Apr 2012, o 10:19
by Skrit
They are designing some wierd shit, looks like they are back on pcp again like in the old days! :mrgreen:

Re: Forge World

Posted: 2 Apr 2012, o 10:22
by Hellspawn
There are double pics on the various posts but I was late this morning so couldn't do any filtering :D
Skrit wrote:They are designing some wierd shit, looks like they are back on pcp again like in the old days! :mrgreen:
Yeah, there are some weird stuffs there, though, some are nice like the new techmarine and the other one on his left (can't recall the name in english)

Re: Forge World

Posted: 4 Apr 2012, o 09:38
by Hellspawn

Re: Forge World

Posted: 4 Apr 2012, o 09:42
by mahon
Thought so. I didn't believe they would re-release Barracudas from Warzone for 40K ;P

And the dying stag is so amusing :lol:

Re: Forge World

Posted: 4 Apr 2012, o 09:52
by Hellspawn
I like the Fireborn for the Chaos Dwarves, really looking forward the painted version (if one is released cause they don't always show those on the website :( ), and the concept of the bull is very promising, can't wait to see the mini (hoping they won't fuck it big time (eventhough, lately, the minis of the chaos dwarves were super top for all of them)