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Re: Neolis' Finished mini

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, o 15:08
by mahon
that's great to be wrong sometimes! :D

(don't tell me that was yet another contest when not enough trophies were delivered by the manufacturer :P )

Re: Neolis' Finished mini

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, o 16:08
by Neolis
Thanks all. Didn't make cut at gencon but this was the first year that the advice I received was not about blending ect instead it was about composition. Will have pics of it up soon as I adjust my photo rig after some advice I got from the show.

Re: Neolis' Finished mini

Posted: 28 Oct 2010, o 12:44
by Neolis
ImageClick to see full-sized image

Hit the wall hard time wise on this mini as the medical facility that I work for went through out surprise government inspections. Was dedicated to putting some thing in as every time I've met Morf at gen con he has been a great pleasure to talk to. Sculpted the chain and star fish in the base. Vallejo water effects used to make the splashes.

Re: Neolis' Finished mini

Posted: 28 Oct 2010, o 12:48
by Nameless
almost everyone at Hussar 2010 wrote:increase contrast!

Re: Neolis' Finished mini

Posted: 28 Oct 2010, o 13:09
by arctica
^^ good phrase to live by whilst painting. Pushing those contrasts really make a huge different in presenting miniatures well.

Re: Neolis' Finished mini

Posted: 28 Oct 2010, o 14:09
by mahon
the face and arm MAY be finished. the others are so flat that I can't believe it's finished..

Arctica, tell him what to do ;) or show him one of your minis... :P

Or wait, maybe you ran out of black paint, Neolis? No worries, dark brown or dark blue will do as well! ;)

Re: Neolis' Finished mini

Posted: 28 Oct 2010, o 14:53
by Pandadosmares
Go crazy neolis, theres no "enough" word in painting you will see that more is better

Re: Neolis' Finished mini

Posted: 5 Jul 2012, o 02:09
by Neolis

Re: Neolis' Finished mini

Posted: 5 Jul 2012, o 04:21
by voyager
I like it, but one small critique - your marine does not have eye contact with his target, and it lets the scene down. If he was looking up at the incoming opponent it would be awesome.

Either way, still very nice work.

Re: Neolis' Finished mini

Posted: 5 Jul 2012, o 10:04
by Nameless
have I seen this in the ReaperCon gallery?