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Posted: 6 Oct 2008, o 15:11
by Demi_morgana
maybe but otoh in the middle ages people thought earth was flat :neutral:
let's just admit she's ugly and we can end this discussion :razz:

Posted: 6 Oct 2008, o 15:13
by Nameless
maybe but otoh in the middle ages people thought earth was flat
you want to say it's not flat? :shock:

Posted: 6 Oct 2008, o 22:40
by Szary
nice chick, except head. maybe because of the nose. the face excpression is a bit odd.

Posted: 7 Oct 2008, o 15:16
by mahon
I already know one painter who likes the sculpt a lot ;)

Posted: 27 Oct 2008, o 18:02
by mahon

Posted: 27 Oct 2008, o 19:25
by Nameless
all by Jeff Grace, right?
lovely stuff.

Posted: 27 Oct 2008, o 19:42
by Demi_morgana
ninja/assasin is very cool :)

Posted: 27 Oct 2008, o 20:05
by espoo
I must agree with Demi.The assassin is awsome.
The chick with hawk is nice too,but I don't like this short sword. I don't know why :think:

Posted: 27 Oct 2008, o 21:42
by mahon
@Nameless - I don't know, but the quality seems to vary. The second miniature is from Tom Meier AFAIK.

Posted: 28 Oct 2008, o 08:52
by Marek
The Viking-like warrior seems to have broken arm in his wrist. Don't like this part.
The assassin, on the other hand, where can I get one?