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Posted: 2 Sep 2008, o 14:23
Quite ugly crab sculpt but sooooo funny :D

Posted: 3 Sep 2008, o 17:06
by Nameless

Posted: 3 Sep 2008, o 17:14
by ToMaZ
Poor quality IMO, all of them.

Posted: 3 Sep 2008, o 23:17
by mahon
maybe the bats? maybe the ape?
but I am with ToMaZ on them - they're not good IMHO.

Posted: 4 Sep 2008, o 00:17
They are awesome if you are in a cave living the 70's :lol:

Posted: 4 Sep 2008, o 06:17
by Demi_morgana
:curtain: or have zee time machine :razz:

cyber ape is not bad actually

Posted: 4 Sep 2008, o 08:00
by mahon
70s? you're too kind, Navarro :curtain:

Posted: 4 Sep 2008, o 18:13
by Skrit
Well, I just came out of my cave and think they're awesome!!!


Posted: 4 Sep 2008, o 22:40
by mahon
ooooh! another of these 'not jokes' :D

Posted: 5 Sep 2008, o 20:23
by Dragyn
Cyber ape does look a bit interesting. IF they made a couple of other cyber animals as a pack like say a cyber wolf as a scout and a cyber big cat with twin mounted lasers, I might be interested in getting them, oh wait, I don't have any room for any minis right now. . . . . . . .