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Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 24 Jan 2012, o 16:14
by mahon
no worries. having civil courage to be honest about one's failures can be even more impressve and deserving appreciation than not failing. :clap:

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 24 Jan 2012, o 16:47
by Hellspawn
Nameless wrote:that person feels the same, has a courage to reply to my every e-mail and offered some kind of compensation, so let's not delve into this.
It's even nice to offer compensation for the delay :)

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 24 Jan 2012, o 18:28
by Nameless
I rejected the offer, btw. All I want is a mini shipped asap.

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 24 Jan 2012, o 19:09
by pae
mahon wrote:no worries. having civil courage to be honest about one's failures can be even more impressve and deserving appreciation than not failing. :clap:
I truly wish I hadn't failed in getting this out on time, but even more so, I wish I hadn't been going through the difficult times I've been dealing with lately. However, I don't want to make excuses, because there was ample time for me to get more done on the miniature while things in my life were more stable.

So my apologies for being so late with this, and even though Nameless has said that I need not offer compensation for being late, part of me still feels obligated to do so, not only to my recipient, but to Nameless as well.

Ok, so maybe I shouldn't have outed myself here, but I want to take responsibility for my failure.

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 24 Jan 2012, o 19:17
by Nameless
thanks for stepping out.
ME is a fun event. We all know that life can ruin fun sometimes. As long as participants are honest with me and keep me updated - I'm fine with slight delays in justified circumstances.

Anyway - theoretically all minis were delivered already or are on their way to people. if you haven't got anything yet, please be patient for few more days. I'm sure you will get the package very soon.

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 24 Jan 2012, o 22:03
by mahon
as I said - having enough courage to admit one's failure instead of trying to lie one's way out of it and find justification at all costs is admirable (which you can see by the reaction to your post).

good luck with everything and hope better times are ahead...

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 28 Jan 2012, o 08:17
by Demi_morgana
got the model - just need to know nickname of the cofcer :)

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 28 Jan 2012, o 12:55
by Skrit
Great! Was demi the last one to receive? :)

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 28 Jan 2012, o 13:01
by Demi_morgana
don't think I was :(
and I already know who did I get the stuff from - thanks Wojto and Nameless :)

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 28 Jan 2012, o 16:45
by Gildor
How are you minis,guys? Have you received something new?