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Re: Mierce Miniatures - Darklands (former BaneBeasts/BaneLeg

Posted: 17 Jan 2013, o 19:05
by Marta
It's old Maelstrom, they split into few companies or something like that.

Re: Mierce Miniatures - Darklands (former BaneBeasts/BaneLeg

Posted: 17 Jan 2013, o 19:22
by Hellspawn
I bought stuff from Maelstrom, but thanks to the insurance of my credit card, I could get my money back, though, there is no way I'll give a penny to them now. If by any chance, I can find a supplier that sells their minis, I might consider it, though, there is just no way I'll buy directly from them, even if there are some minis that are really tempting

Re: Mierce Miniatures - Darklands (former BaneBeasts/BaneLeg

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, o 15:35
by Ariakas
I do like how they claim to be absolutely independent from Maelstrom while their owner is the guy who ran Maelstrom, Rob Lane...
Or how they pretend to have bought the whole miniature range at its real value while not having much assets at the same time.
I am pretty sure they are honest tho and will deliver what they have on the kickstarter, but for me, as long as the same guy runs both companies, its a no go.

P.S Em', if you paid with a credit card, it might still be time to contact your bank and get reimbursed, i think it pretty much worked for everyone who did.

Re: Mierce Miniatures - Darklands (former BaneBeasts/BaneLeg

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, o 16:04
by Devoted of Slaanesh
If someone didn’t know what happened with Maelstriom and why so many people are angry on them and respectively to Mierce: ... arter.html

Re: Mierce Miniatures - Darklands (former BaneBeasts/BaneLeg

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, o 16:10
by Nameless
yup, that's a good summary of what has happened.

Re: Mierce Miniatures - Darklands (former BaneBeasts/BaneLeg

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, o 18:25
by Demi_morgana
Cheers Devoted One!

Re: Mierce Miniatures (former BaneBeasts/BaneLegions)

Posted: 23 Jan 2013, o 14:44
by Hellspawn

Re: Mierce Miniatures (former BaneBeasts/BaneLegions)

Posted: 24 Jan 2013, o 20:50
by Hellspawn
Kickstarter update:

ImageClick to see full-sized image

Re: Mierce Miniatures (former BaneBeasts/BaneLegions)

Posted: 28 Jan 2013, o 13:50
by Hellspawn

Re: Mierce Miniatures (former BaneBeasts/BaneLegions)

Posted: 30 Jan 2013, o 00:54
by Hellspawn