another thread which required a thorough cleaning and update, too
I had to take a break from painting somewhere in the middle of this year, but luckily I'm back on the right track... here are some of my minis you might consider interesting.
a space marine. 'nuff said. the world did not end after I finished painting it, and I was really afraid it would...
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ok, what's next... right, Oddi Ty Will B. Good'mate, the dwarf with many names, painted by the painter without a name for Skrit. You could see him somewhere on the forum already. Hmm, it's my second AoW dwarf which I gave away. Need to paint one for myself.
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and finally a new company for my collection
Manhunter from Kingdom Death range. Probably the only mini I really like from them. Not that sculpts are bad, I think that concepts are usually not my cup of tea. This one I like though, and I'm really pleased with the final look. Oh, I'm also really happy, because I started painting it last year and then lost motivation to finish it. well, after 10 - 12 months it's ready
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Finally, another vampire from Reaper. I bought several for my Warlord warband. I don't play anymore, so I paint a vampire every now and then. I think it's 4th, and I still have 2... Another mini exchange, anyone?
Anyway, I tried to achieve an autumn feel with this one and I think I've succeeded. He's called The Fallen now. You know, Judas (original name), vampire, leaves - all fallen in a way.
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I think that's all for now. Oh, there are two new minis in my Gamer's Tale, you can check them
I hope to finish some more minis in December