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RE: Heresy angel WIP and other previews
Posted: 6 Aug 2007, o 21:25
by Nameless
I don't like it, everything is too big here. Wings are gorgeus indeed, albeit too big for this model. Muscles are too big, making the angel look like a barbarian. The weapon coould also be smaller (although it doesn't matter much now, as the angel look like shwarzenegger). Hair are... thick (for lack of better word, I hope you know what I mean). Last but not least - if I see it right, there's something hidden under the loin cloth. Angels should have no gender features, so this part is also too big

Even if this is some angel of wrath, destruction or war it's very far from my image of an angel.
I like all the succubi better

Re: RE: Heresy angel WIP and other previews
Posted: 7 Aug 2007, o 08:11
by fatgoblin
actually the reason I like it is because its too big!
Nameless wrote:I like all the succubi better

You don't think anything is too big there?

RE: Re: RE: Heresy angel WIP and other previews
Posted: 7 Aug 2007, o 08:19
by illusionrip
i agree with fatgoblin
BIG is coooollllll

very nice piece, i should again get it, and it will again wait 10 year to be painted

Re: RE: Heresy angel WIP and other previews
Posted: 7 Aug 2007, o 08:35
by Nameless
RE: Re: RE: Heresy angel WIP and other previews
Posted: 7 Aug 2007, o 09:46
by Karpiu
hehe I do agree that this guy is looking like a barbarian or some buffed out Shwarzeneger but I like this mini though
RE: Re: RE: Heresy angel WIP and other previews
Posted: 7 Aug 2007, o 10:40
by mahon
I like the mini a lot. It's a powerful angel of war. Full of angelic power and wrath. Despite some technical shortcomings (the hair, cough cough) I like it a lot - for its character!
Posted: 7 Aug 2007, o 11:16
by Galharen
I love this model!

He looks like shouting: "Feel my wrath!! Arrgg!!:D"
Maybe this is true he looks like barbarian, but IMHO it's adventage.
Posted: 21 Dec 2007, o 11:33
by MiSiU
Click to see full-sized image
More images and pre order can be found here:
And on forums andy promised to figure a spare price for a pair of those wing separately.
As I have the demon model, I am sure to preorder the angel as well (and also there seems to be a chance for an armoured version in future).
Posted: 21 Dec 2007, o 11:39
by Demi_morgana
nice! I really like dynamic poses of these flying guys
Posted: 21 Dec 2007, o 16:12
by Dragyn
THe wings available separately. Hmmmm, that gives me an idea for a convers. . .