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Posted: 24 Jan 2009, o 06:53
by Neolis
PM can you clarify the ~3 degree rotation?

Tonight's work
ImageClick to see full-sized image

Grrrrrr, can't seem to edit out the pink tone

Posted: 24 Jan 2009, o 10:02
by paintminion
What prohram are you using for your photo edits? Somewhere there is a "Rotate"option in your edit menus. rotate about 3 degrees (can't remember if that is plus or minus, and then some of your pictures will have the mini "straight" instead of tilted. My color correction is a -8 on all the red tones, and sometimes a hint of blue or green is needed to match my background color.

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, o 19:26
by Neolis
ImageClick to see full-sized image

Still hit or miss on the post picture color correction.

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, o 19:30
by Demi_morgana
on the pic highlights on dress look pretty rough - is that fault of picture or maybe not enough layers of paint? :think:

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, o 19:31
by Neolis
Oh their rough as hell.... its me as a painter not the camera.

oooooo fixed an internal camera setting. This is 100 times closer to my back drop with no other post production.

ImageClick to see full-sized image

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, o 21:50
by Docitalicus
The subject is interesting.

What I like: the overall flavour and the palette. It seems it is working very well. The lights, that seems to be almost in the right place

What I would improve: the transitions seem to be a little rough, so you would need to smooth them. Try washing with a medium color for each area, this would improve the gradient. I would also take some time to improve the eyes as they are not aligned. I would also increase shadows and lights on the weapon and would ligthen the embroydery, that seems too grey.
Good job overall

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, o 10:52
by Nameless
Docitalicus wrote:The subject is interesting.

What I like: the overall flavour and the palette. It seems it is working very well. The lights, that seems to be almost in the right place

What I would improve: the transitions seem to be a little rough, so you would need to smooth them. Try washing with a medium color for each area, this would improve the gradient. I would also take some time to improve the eyes as they are not aligned. I would also increase shadows and lights on the weapon and would ligthen the embroydery, that seems too grey.
Good job overall

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, o 18:06
by Skrit
The colour combo is good but as said the transition's a bit rough.

Cool mini too, never seen it before. :think:

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, o 18:34
by Neolis
From anime tactics, not a bad mini company they base the minis off the art work of a computer generation artist. I've had a few issues with earlier scuplts to the point where I swore not to go back to them. the newer stuff was to nice to resist.

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, o 20:53
by mahon
her left eye looks fine, the right one seems wrong.
transitions should be improved, but I like the way the colors work together.