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Posted: 26 Nov 2007, o 15:33
by Trovarion
ok, deffinitely not my pair of shoes.....
Posted: 26 Nov 2007, o 15:39
by mahon
@TMZ - not a fan, but I've been listening to them a bit recently... anyway I am surprised anybody recognized them

Posted: 26 Nov 2007, o 15:53
by Demi_morgana
nope, not my cup of tea for sure
Posted: 26 Nov 2007, o 16:34
by LadyEyes
Who the heck is Thierry Husser? Those flowers and designs on those paint jobs look really good.
Re: Anime Tactics news
Posted: 27 Aug 2009, o 12:37
by mahon
Re: Anima Tactics news
Posted: 27 Aug 2009, o 12:44
by Nameless
1. sweetness overdose alert... both sculpt and paintjob
2. I prefer the dark age priest

3. interesting
Re: Anima Tactics news
Posted: 27 Aug 2009, o 13:52
by Skrit
I believe the pink lady was painted by Bren...

Re: Anima Tactics news
Posted: 27 Aug 2009, o 13:55
by Nameless
it looks like it is

Re: Anima Tactics news
Posted: 27 Aug 2009, o 14:01
by mahon
this would explain why the model is dressed in Barbie colors

Bren could take revenge after painting all the ugly-and-gritty stuff we've seen from her before

Re: Anima Tactics news
Posted: 27 Aug 2009, o 20:41
by Bren
(Bren calls in after a huge painting break due to slow healing eyes after eye laser surgery and holidays and such)
Please, let me have my fun with the pink paint every once and a while
But as you can see I didn't really have a choice with this artwork...
(I can tell you there will be more pink goodness in a few months...

after that I'll try to do something different for a change)