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Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, o 17:08
by Nameless
oh geez, let me rephrase:
Slawol, what do you like about these two minis? :)

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, o 17:19
by mahon
the fact they were painted by Jar? ;)

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, o 19:12
by Slawol
Nihil novi: Demi + Mahon + Nameless... :lol:

OK, let's see...

The strongest man - idea, theme and overall view. I don't know, I like it. I know, not a spectacular painting...
Grotz - paintjob. Really. Weathering.

Not because these minis are painted by Jar :)

By the way...

Remember this? :lol:

Maybe I need post something like that once a year? :bonk:

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, o 23:12
by mahon
no, i didn't remember.
you made the old admin feel nostalgic...
thank you, my good man. i knew i can count on you!

guys, this thread is a serious piece of history now :lol:

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, o 23:35
by Demi_morgana
:curtain: you made old admin feel even older... :razz:

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 20 Jan 2011, o 09:36
by Nameless
Slawol wrote:Nihil novi: Demi + Mahon + Nameless... :lol:
yup, only you were missing :P

ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
Studio Giraldez
ImageClick to see full-sized image

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 20 Jan 2011, o 09:43
by ToMaZ
Julien is f'in nuts!! :bonk: :bonk:

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 20 Jan 2011, o 10:27
by Demi_morgana
Indeed - epic piece...

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 20 Jan 2011, o 10:34
by mahon
that's right. the diorama is insane...

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 20 Jan 2011, o 10:41
by Nameless
and I don't like it that much... I mean, modelling and painting is awesome, but is it a good diorama? lacks some dynamics, interesting story. it's basicaly the same thing he did earlier, just put more models onto the base. and I like the original piece much better. it was more dynamic due to placing models on different levels, use of 2 models only didn't clutter the base (as it is now) and actually helped to convey the story in a more legible manner.
hats off though for Julien's skills :)