Re: Cmon pics of the day...
Posted: 25 Oct 2010, o 15:31
Snail FTW ed the ogryns from amon chakai (the light the light !! )
Miniature painting forum for miniature painters
This was my 2009 entry in the german gd. It was diqualified because of the naked woman on the banner.
They should take a look at their own models - what else is a slaanesh demon than an ugly naked woman with moo much breasts (Gold GD Germany for examplePandadosmares wrote:very cool stuff
This was my 2009 entry in the german gd. It was diqualified because of the naked woman on the banner.GW rules, we can have lots of blood, monsters, chopped heads, witchcraft, and all sort of nasty stuff but just dont draw and paint a naked lady, they should read some art books
Not fair, the rule applies only to 2 breast female humans, not to pig like fantasy creatures with 6 breasts who love the god of debauchery and stuff like that.Le6n wrote:They should take a look at their own models - what else is a slaanesh demon than an ugly naked woman with moo much breasts (Gold GD Germany for example )?