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Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 21 Oct 2010, o 17:34
by ToMaZ
I like fear a lot. Very original idea :)

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 22 Oct 2010, o 12:36
by Nameless

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 22 Oct 2010, o 13:19
by Skrit
Sorry but lol at all the glowing eyes!

The mechanical toad creature is awesome and original! :clap:

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 24 Oct 2010, o 14:04
by Trovarion
some glow is ok...but glowing eyes on everything O_o

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 24 Oct 2010, o 21:25
by mahon
I just finished browsing the last few pages, 4 or so, and am really impressed. Such great works and so many of them! I haven't been so impressed with this thread for a long time.
Are we going through some kind of golden age of mini painting now? I don't believe they were all painted for the recent GDs. Wonderful collection, thanks for sharing!

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 25 Oct 2010, o 07:33
by arctica
yea this is a really great collection, were some of these at hussar?

I also agree with Trov, i think he went a bit overboard with the glow ^^ perhaps it was practice?

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 25 Oct 2010, o 09:00
by Nameless
My guess is that his client told him to do so :)

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 25 Oct 2010, o 11:58
by mahon
@Arctica - you can see all the Hussar entries in the gallery (link in the contest's thread), and i don't think I saw any of these at the contest, but my memory may be failing and I am not reloading these last pages of this thread to save myself from committing suicide ;)

@Nameless - almost a sure thing... clients love such things :think:

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 25 Oct 2010, o 12:49
by Nameless
mahon wrote:clients love such things :think:
will have to remember that ;)

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caiman (can somebody explain this one to me?)
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Bormelot (bronze GD Germany)
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amon chakai
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Iguazzu (silver GD Italy)
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Tuffskull MKII
This was my 2009 entry in the german gd. It was diqualified because of the naked woman on the banner.

Re: Cmon pics of the day...

Posted: 25 Oct 2010, o 12:56
by mahon
must have missed the banner :(

but I love the expression on the dreadnought driver's face. seems to be thinking "oh my, what happened since I got drunk?" :P