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Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 5 Jan 2012, o 15:00
by Skrit
The postman just fooled me here! :x

The bell rang and he said ''I have a parcel for you!'' but it turned out to be for my nextdoor neighbour! :banghead:

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 5 Jan 2012, o 15:49
by arctica
Skrit wrote:The postman just fooled me here! :x

The bell rang and he said ''I have a parcel for you!'' but it turned out to be for my nextdoor neighbour! :banghead:
Now we just have to all start sending Skrit empty parcels ^^ :dance:

Oh as an update, i know my recipient got his model. But i forgot to take a pic of it. So i've asked him when he gets the chance to take it and post it up for me :doh: I'm such an airhead sometimes.

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 5 Jan 2012, o 15:50
by Nameless

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 5 Jan 2012, o 16:01
by Hellspawn
Nameless wrote:that's less than half
True, I calculated as 16 + 16 = 32 and added the difference to 38 instead of removing it, well, I suck at maths heheheh

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 5 Jan 2012, o 17:11
by mahon
Le6n wrote:Oh, so I wasn't the first in line? I wasn't genuine, not original? Not pioneer of my time? I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo sad now! :( :shock: :cry:
Just think what Scott felt when he learned that Amudsen reached the Southern Pole first ^^

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 5 Jan 2012, o 17:40
Mini has been sent.

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 6 Jan 2012, o 00:24
by LadyEyes
I'm almost finished with mine! A few final touch-ups and a base are all that's lacking. Should be in Monday's mail. :D

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 6 Jan 2012, o 01:35
by pae
Still progressing on mine...

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 6 Jan 2012, o 09:11
by MiSiU
85% done with mine. Due to heavy plans for monday it should be sent on tuesday.

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 6 Jan 2012, o 11:38
by LittleDave
Have one mini about done, but there were some yucky mold lines. Working on a second one and will send the better of the two. Pretty sure there will be pictures and it will be sent out on Monday. :)