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Re: CoolMiniOrNot:

Posted: 3 Feb 2013, o 20:02
by Hellspawn
Rivet Wars in final hours on Kickstarter

ImageClick to see full-sized image

Re: CoolMiniOrNot:

Posted: 16 Mar 2013, o 18:26
by Corvus

Re: CoolMiniOrNot:

Posted: 28 May 2013, o 14:21
by Nameless

Re: CoolMiniOrNot:

Posted: 15 Aug 2013, o 13:09
by Skrit
Kickstarter is live! ... h-of-kings

$200,- for 133 minis and rulebook (plus any free extras that come along the way) is a pretty sweet deal!!! :shock:

EDIT: correction! Currently 157 minis!!!!! :bonk:

Re: CoolMiniOrNot:

Posted: 18 Aug 2013, o 13:19
by Nameless
cool indeed... CMON is getting stronger and stronger at the market. I'm curious where they will end :)
house of teknes minis look fun :)

Re: CoolMiniOrNot:

Posted: 19 Aug 2013, o 12:26
by Ariakas
They haven't fully delivered a single KS so far (not sure about Zombicide 1 wave 2 tho) so i'd rather see them focus on that rather than pulling yet another project...

Re: CoolMiniOrNot:

Posted: 20 Aug 2013, o 14:00
by Skrit
Well to be fair, with the other campaign they just lend their name and this is entirly their own project. All seem to be finished minis too and not just baseed on concept art.

First add ons were anounced btw, some big monsters for each faction at quite fair prices imo.

ImageClick to see full-sized image

ImageClick to see full-sized image

Re: CoolMiniOrNot:

Posted: 23 Aug 2013, o 12:06
by Skrit
Skrit wrote:Kickstarter is live! ... h-of-kings

$200,- for 133 minis and rulebook (plus any free extras that come along the way) is a pretty sweet deal!!! :shock:

EDIT: correction! Currently 157 minis!!!!! :bonk:
If the campaign reaches $300k you now get 204 minis,plus rulebook and a dicebag for $240,-! :shock:

Re: CoolMiniOrNot:

Posted: 23 Aug 2013, o 14:25
by Hellspawn
I like Nasier eventhough is compltely ridiculous with his horns but hey, it's apparently a demon ^^

Re: CoolMiniOrNot:

Posted: 24 Aug 2013, o 12:35
by Skrit
I agree, there aspects on some miniatures that I really don't like. In some cases it looks like they just took styles of different ranges and mixed them up.