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Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 30 Dec 2011, o 15:08
by Skrit
Shipped!!! ^^

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 31 Dec 2011, o 16:50
by superhessianv
Shipped on 27th. May arrive anytime :dance:

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 2 Jan 2012, o 10:46
by Nameless
1 week left, folks!!!

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 2 Jan 2012, o 17:24
by Hellspawn
Nameless wrote:1 week left, folks!!!

Sssshhh! I know that I'm late on my painting :( :cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 2 Jan 2012, o 17:57
by Demi_morgana
Nameless wrote:1 week left, folks!!!
yeah, still haven't got mine :snooty:

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 2 Jan 2012, o 20:18
by ToMaZ
Mine will be shipped tomorrow. I'll send you a mail when I've send it off Phil.

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 2 Jan 2012, o 21:07
by Skrit
ToMaZ wrote:Mine will be shipped tomorrow. I'll send you a mail when I've send it off Phil.
Who beat who?! :mrgreen:

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 2 Jan 2012, o 21:19
by ToMaZ
Skrit wrote:Who beat who?! :mrgreen:
Technically I still did beat you! Admit it! :P :P
I just can't help it that the post office over here has the most ridiculous opening hours during the holidays... The lazy bums!

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 3 Jan 2012, o 00:24
by MiSiU
Nameless wrote:1 week left, folks!!!
I must object my good chap. I got the mail with the name of my "victim" on 13th, meaning there are almost two weeks left :P
Still mine is 35% done, but should be more or less ready by the end of this week.

Re: V Chest of Colors Mini Exchange

Posted: 3 Jan 2012, o 00:40
by Nameless
Nameless wrote:2. I will randomly choose a recipient for each of the participants by the 13th of November. You will only receive an e-mail including data concerning your recipient. This means that you will know who you are painting for (of course), but you will not know who is painting for you.

3. You have ca. 2 months to paint a single 25-35mm mini on foot. Mini needs to be sent on the 9th of January (Monday) at latest. Please send me an e-mail to the aforementioned address to confirm shipping and receipt of a mini.