Awesome oldschool stuff
Re: Awesome oldschool stuff
Not as much as the others, but for me it is It's also a style we don't see anymore.
Re: Awesome oldschool stuff
I really liked some of the old miniatures, sometimes I sit and look through all the old white dwarfs I have and reminisce . A good site to see all the old golden daemon entries is at a site called 'Daemon Winner' , not only does it show the winners as the name suggests but also 2nd,3rd and runners up in all sections of the contest and also from the Golden Daemon awards they have in other countries, which is nice as in white dwarf you only really see entries from your own country.
Re: Awesome oldschool stuff
That's not a bad site, Stuff of Legends also has incredible shots from TONS of Golden Demons past:
Re: Awesome oldschool stuff
yeah good ones. I think most of us know them but it's good to remind about them.