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Re: SCALE75 something new from Spain...
Posted: 17 Oct 2010, o 15:31
by Nameless
meanwhile, in the SCALE75 premises....
- no, CoC is not our target group anymore...
Re: SCALE75 something new from Spain...
Posted: 17 Oct 2010, o 15:32
by mahon
"...unless we release a *special conversion set"

Re: SCALE75 something new from Spain...
Posted: 17 Oct 2010, o 15:35
by Nameless
- tell sculptors to fit a bolter somehow...
- tell lawyers to prepare for a law suit... they should be able to use the same arguments as for hollywood lawyers
Re: SCALE75 something new from Spain...
Posted: 17 Oct 2010, o 15:37
by mahon
"they need to shout at the jury and in general talk at the top of their lungs. it works in the movies"
Re: SCALE75 something new from Spain...
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, o 21:48
by umpa
Re: SCALE75 something new from Spain...
Posted: 19 Mar 2011, o 15:39
by umpa
Re: SCALE75 something new from Spain...
Posted: 19 Mar 2011, o 15:58
by Skrit
The gladiator is quite good!

Re: SCALE75 something new from Spain...
Posted: 21 Mar 2011, o 11:25
by Pandadosmares
Cool a gladiator, i wonder why there are so few minis of gladiators

Re: SCALE75 something new from Spain...
Posted: 19 Apr 2011, o 17:38
by umpa
Re: SCALE75 something new from Spain...
Posted: 19 Apr 2011, o 20:25
by Skrit
I've said it once today and will say it once more for this one;