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Post pictures and discussions regarding finished models here, please. If you have WIP (work in progress) photos, feel free to post them to the right section and feel free to add the link in your post about the finished work.
czlowiek.morze wrote:I like the commando guy, especially the face. I can`t understand why he has white/red markings, which make him only more visible not stealth
Don't look at me but many Native American tribes did it and the unit was following that trend during a couple of fights. I wasn't brave enough to try some of the real schemes which look like this.
@demi, By Urban Mammoth part of the Artemis faction. She was sort of prep work for an idea I had on my ultraforge model to do with the metallics on her.
@Scott Thank you, was sort of something that just came out with playing around on the model.
P.S sorry for the delay fell of the planet for a few days.
If it wasn't for the gutter my mind would be homeless.
"She bears the scarlet letter, her skin as soft as feathers, her demeanor tough as leather."