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Posted: 19 Jan 2009, o 01:52
by arctica
looks very cool :) i do like the weathering and blood on the chain saw arm, but i think the scratches and larger damage areas on the shoulder and above the head are bit too orange for my tastes, maybe a dull brown help. But thats just my 2 cents, i quite like it :)

Posted: 19 Jan 2009, o 10:12
by LadyEyes
Like the most recent photo of the jack much better. Much easier to see without the super-close-to-the-camera distortion.

Ok, maybe I missed the discussion on this.... is the jack supposed to have Volunteer/safety orange on him, or are those the parts you were saying were supposed to be rusted?

I think some of the details would pop a little better if those recesses, plate joining areas, etc., looked more of a true black than just a fairly dark gray. Look at his face plate for example, where the "holes" are. In the photos, even the last one, they look dark-ish gray, but not really black. I'm not saying slap black all over him, but in some of those really recessed, deep areas I think going to an actual black would make your contrast and details look clearer. Just me, but there ya go.

And this is a completely personal preference, but I would make some of the rods that would piston when the arms/legs move look like metal (gunked up metal) instead of enameled blue. Those parts should be wearing back and forth with every movement, so even if they had been painted blue (no one said gobbers were particularly picky painters), the areas should look worn. Think pistons in an engine block and you'll be where I am with this. Again, however, just my thoughts.

Posted: 19 Jan 2009, o 10:34
by Demi_morgana
great you decided to take brighter pictures of the warjack :D
I like it - the glowy stuff doesn't convince me but overall it's a decent piece of paintjob!
as for eldar - if you wanted to achieve nmm weapon you have to increase the contrast and surely add more pure white highlights; as for rest of the suit - some glazes should make the transitions between used tones even smoother :)

Posted: 19 Jan 2009, o 11:08
by mahon
Well, the warjack is painted much better than the eldar. The latter needs to be painted smother and with stronger shading and highlighting. Now it looks flat and not very interesting. But the photo was huge!

Posted: 19 Jan 2009, o 16:12
by Neolis
Glad every one thinks the new light rig is better. Added 2 more powerful light and tweaked the location in the apartment I was setting every thing up in so now it can stay put.

Nope he is suppose to have the safety orange. Wanted a color that I had not painted before and that would have a ton of pop. Been slowly dark lining but believe it or not its not part of my regular painting until coming here so I tend to kind of skip places or locations still as I am not as through with it.

Thanks guys the eldar was a test mini for a army I got for x-mas. I am thinking Hunter green, gray, purple gens and some bone tones along the gun.

Posted: 21 Jan 2009, o 06:47
by Cyberpaddy66
Only thing I'd recommend with the pic is maybe up your F-stop above 8 so that you don't get it blurring too quickly but otherwise very nice photo :D

Posted: 21 Jan 2009, o 07:18
by Neolis
Unfortunately my f stop only will go up to 8. :(

Posted: 21 Jan 2009, o 07:27
by Cyberpaddy66
If it's a digital camera you can get it to go higher by zooming in from a longer distance, my Samsung S500 goes up to F12.4 :shock:

Posted: 21 Jan 2009, o 15:09
by Neolis
unfortunately f 8 is a hard max. I confirmed it with camera and manual. :( I'll figure out the sweet spot for the minis and go from there.

Posted: 22 Jan 2009, o 21:58
by paintminion
Ditto on the great photo. Now learn to do a ~3 degree rotate on your photos before cropping...and remember to crop more! Remember also to take the pic from slightly above so we can see a bit more...and diminish the red on your color corrections, unless your background truly has a pink cast to it...? All these are things I do regularly to fix my own photos.

Also...ditto what LadyeEyes said regarding darkening up some spots. It's looking too flat and needs just a touch more depth.

And then you'll be all set for iron painter! This is looking good!