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News from Hasslefree Miniatures

Posted: 16 Jul 2005, o 22:51
by mahon
some new realeases:

ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image

and: CYBER-ZOMBIE (yeah!) Jotun:
ImageClick to see full-sized image

and something cool:
Sally from Hasslefree Miniatures wrote:From today HFM001 Mjolnir will be 7GBP instead of 9GBP and HFM002 Axenarf will be 8GBP instead of 10GBP. We will change our prices over on August 1st 2005 but check out our retailers to see if they have changed it earlier.

RE: News from Hasslefree Miniatures

Posted: 16 Jul 2005, o 23:34
by Skrit
I like the last two, the others are not my thing...

RE: News from Hasslefree Miniatures

Posted: 17 Jul 2005, o 18:44
by LadyEyes
Like the girl on the rock... She's pretty.

I'm glad Kev is happy making space dwarves, and I know a lot of people love them.... But they just do nothing for me. They're good sculpts, but I just don't want to paint them.

RE: News from Hasslefree Miniatures

Posted: 17 Jul 2005, o 18:57
by ToMaZ
what... cheaper mini's??? great :D

Oh and the shown mini's are nice too. The Kneeling girl and Cyberzombie are the best IMO :)

RE: News from Hasslefree Miniatures

Posted: 20 Jul 2005, o 22:20
by messiah_182
I like the Khyli miniature. She is nice. The girl on the rock is something I'd like to paint. But the best miniature is the Cyber Zombie. The rest is also good but nothing special.

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, o 00:34
by Lonewolf
the grymn are an aquired taste, they are great fun little mini's to paint.
personnally i LOVE the female grymn Kev has done but the male grymn just dont float my boat.

the girl on the rock is very nice and just screaming out for a mermaid conversion :wink:

The best by far IMO is the Cyber-zombie these photo's just dont do it justice! cant wait to get my bristles on that one 8)
(also the Debut Hasslefree mini of newly joined sculptor Seth Nash )

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, o 08:00
by mahon
yeah, have you got the cyber-zombie already? I am really interested in how good it really is....
The green (white? ;)) was great...

And the famale grenade throwing grymn is a really cool mini, as is Krags...

New Hasslefree Druusch

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, o 09:36
by mahon

RE: New Hasslefree Druusch

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, o 09:39
by Trovarion
is this by cpt_spaldin again?

RE: New Hasslefree Druusch

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, o 10:18
by mahon