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Posted: 5 Mar 2008, o 19:59
by LadyEyes
Seriously, Skrit? You don't like ANY of those?

Posted: 5 Mar 2008, o 20:47
by Skrit
Seriously?! Nope! ^^

Posted: 7 Apr 2008, o 22:34
by mahon

Posted: 8 Apr 2008, o 15:27
by Skrit
I concur!

Posted: 8 Apr 2008, o 16:42
by Demi_morgana
not mine kind of models - sorry

Posted: 8 Apr 2008, o 16:53
by Hosea
Not my cup of tea, the guy with an axe and sword reminds me those Disney 2-D animation movies' characters in mid 90's.

Posted: 5 May 2008, o 09:21
by Nameless

Posted: 5 May 2008, o 09:26
by Demi_morgana
imo the artwork is the best here :roll:

Posted: 5 May 2008, o 09:41
i like naked devil... whats not to like there? :lol:

Posted: 5 May 2008, o 23:09
by LadyEyes
The frog is goofy, but very nicely done.

The demoness (or whatever she is) seems to match the artwork really well.