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gold bracelets somehow take too much attention. very smooth, very shiny... painted well (better than silver metallics) but do not fit this mini. both in colour scheme and in 'fluff' - viking wouldn't wear gold things for a fight I believe. just my two cents.
I think the viking looks much better now. Not a fan of his red beard (rhe color doesn't look natural unless it's dyed) and I think it would definitely benefit from some highlighting...
The gold bracelets were the first thing I noticed. They attract most attention, but I think that's why you wear gold bracelets
Not sure if it was your intention though....
Yeah the problem is the fact that the "gold parts" are to small to be a bracer or an arm guard leaving just jewerly left. They are thick enough I can probably put a design in them though. I paint gold TMP much better then silver but the armor is getting a few more washes and work ups so we will see. Then its on to the sword.
If it wasn't for the gutter my mind would be homeless.
"She bears the scarlet letter, her skin as soft as feathers, her demeanor tough as leather."
the gold needs some more balance is all possibly another point making three points of attraction most recommended on the legs or lower body to get the eye to move over the whole model and brighten up the silver on the helm
also you have allot of jewel colors in a winter environment maybe next time go a little darker and earthy or tint things in cool pastel colors (blue green purple)