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Post pictures and discussions regarding works in progress here, please. If you have photos of these works when they're completed, feel free to post them to the right section and feel free to add the link in your post about the work in progress.
Sorry the space marines came to there due date with no new pictures. I have the next 3 to work on for the hobby shop owner however.
WIP on a project piece doing for laughs. I plan on leaveing the base plain as I have a base up coming that is a little intimidating. Click to see full-sized image Click to see full-sized image
Ok some day I am going to get some consistency in these picture sizes. Bleck
If it wasn't for the gutter my mind would be homeless.
"She bears the scarlet letter, her skin as soft as feathers, her demeanor tough as leather."
The colours work well together, i like it alot I think some of the highlights look a tad powdery/chalky but a very nice piece. I can't wait to see what base you have lined up for this one
good jobs on the color scheme and damage on the armor.
I think some more sharpness would help the miniature a bit, and maybe a bit stronger highlights too?
not sure, because it can be something about the photos that makes the miniature look so soft and muted, but I thought I'd share my opinion.
@arctica the base probably will stay as is. Though this viking will have more things on it dry ground. mud, and snow.
@mahon- Always appreciate everyone opinions. He looks soft but not necessarily muted to my eyes here so I will try and edge things a bit. When I have him sealed I will take the next set of pics.
Very rough Wip and yes I did the general lining for the plaid while my eyes were fresh. 40mm sculpt but doesn't have the details at all that I am use to. Gotten a bit spoiled on some companies. Click to see full-sized image Click to see full-sized image
If it wasn't for the gutter my mind would be homeless.
"She bears the scarlet letter, her skin as soft as feathers, her demeanor tough as leather."
Overall the tartan looks good, but all three colors are a bit dark so nothing really stands out. Maybe you could try to brighten the green or the red lines to make it a more clear pattern. I know this is difficult, I've done a few tartans on some of my BF's trolls and somehow one looks better than the other... I always found out afterwards that up close everything looks decent but from a distance you really need contrasting colors on the cloth itself and the lines to make them visible. Even white or bright yellow might help
I agree it does feel very dark, maybe bringing your highlights up might help give the model a bit more contrast, like you've done on the sleeves. The skin looks pretty good but i feel the metallics are a little flat, maybe applying some glazes of darker colours to create darker shades may give some objects such as the blade a brighter colour. The use of a lighter tartan colour as Bren suggested would probably work.
The beard i think should be a focal point on the mini and personally i love bright vibrant colours so i would try and get some areas of the beard up to almost a white shine.
I am also prepping for Darkson Designs AE-Bounty. Though very heavy wip its going to be more of a gaming piece where the viking is a planned to be displayed.
The bounty hunter guy is looking pretty darn good, the metallics are nice, but what really stands out for me is the blue and the battle damage. I feel the red could possibly do with a further highlighting to some of the upper folds etc. but it's going well so far