Tale of War! (former Dark Slave Miniatures)

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Re: Tale of War! (former Dark Slave Miniatures)

Post by Corvus »

Nice sculpting work on Ludwig, although the moray makes the entire figure look very heavy. And I also like the colors used on the concept art more than on the figure itself. Too colorful, doesn't really look like it's coming out of the deep sea.

The rest of the concept art looks amazing. I really like those druid-type pirates and I'm curious how they fit into the lore of the game.
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Re: Tale of War! (former Dark Slave Miniatures)

Post by Corvus »

special 54mm release "ITHANIR SNOW WALKER"
ImageClick to see full-sized image

Re: Tale of War! (former Dark Slave Miniatures)

Post by evil_twin »

Hi Guys!
Another month is here and a new round of news too!, It´s not stop ...;).
Here you have a new character to enroll in your crew, has not needed more than a month to become
the most popular character from buccaneers´ box of last month. So I'm really think that she has been waited forward for more than one.

Here she is, Lady Buller...
Design: Pedro Nuñez.
Sculpt: Simon Remis
Paint: Jose Manuel Palomares.

"The cup half full of a wonderful cabernet sauvignon of the vineyard of Duke, shone under the lights of the lamps that lit the large main hall of the palace.
-My dear hubby, this elixir is exquisite. I would not mind to stay here and drink it all. Long ago I hate your presence. But I have to admit that your current company and "condition" are totally comforting for me. - Lady Buller argues.
The Duke of Palm Creek, Jans deBoer look puzzled the scene, staring into space. A thick pool of crimson liquid baths his figure now lying on the ground. The Duchess pulled his feet so that the viscous liquid velvet stain her suede boots.
Then Ambrose, the family butler appeared at the door.
-Ups...- Ambrose Butler exclaims, without showing a shred of emotion to that fact.
-He encountered,- replied Buller.
-Certainly, Madam, I am quite sure that dagger in his back has not had anything- he says.
- Tell my sister, her lover, my husband looks for her to seeing here in the main room- Lady Buller says innocently.
She rose from the table and she walked up to the body of her dead husband, then thrown a ring that she was holding in her hands, where despite the multiple scratches, etching could still be read, 'For the everlasting love'."


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Principal card:

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Character skills:

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Some pictores of her:

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After a long time without any new release in the general line!, here you have a new one. In this development had been involved the collaboration of several members of the Spanish team.
Here we present Ithanir Snowwalker (54 mm). The sculpture is fron the machine of win prizes Fernando Prieto Carbonell (Nano). For the painting section we
counted with JMPN´s hands as usual for some time, but we have also had the collaboration of Toni Nieto, great modeler
and friend who wanted to contribute their bit to promote this special reference with this fantastic work.
Desde aqui agradecerles a los 2 su gran trabajo, paciencia y ayuda.
Esperamos que os guste tanto como a nosotros.

Ithanir Snow walker(54mm):

Box front:

ImageClick to see full-sized image

Jmpn´s painted version:

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Toni´s painted version:

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Some pictures of nano´s sculptwork:

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Util here the new releases if this month, hope you like them. Stay tuned to our Facebook channel regularly will post news and information.

See ypou in the sea!!!.
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Re: Tale of War! (former Dark Slave Miniatures)

Post by Maru »

leady Bulterier ..... face .. face ..... Bryy......
Ithanir Snow walker
thats the cool 1
Guardian of Law & Order
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Re: Tale of War! (former Dark Slave Miniatures)

Post by Corvus »

don't like Lady Buller... the chest and face look weird
concept art looks a lot better
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Re: Tale of War! (former Dark Slave Miniatures)

Post by mahon »

concept of the lady was so much better...
but Ithandir is very cool
-- Mahoń


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Re: Tale of War! (former Dark Slave Miniatures)

Post by Nameless »

and I for one prefer the lady over disappointing Ithandir...
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Re: Tale of War! (former Dark Slave Miniatures)

Post by Maru »

sea Turtle mutated Gorilla ?? :bonk:

Re: Tale of War! (former Dark Slave Miniatures)

Post by evil_twin »

Hi to all!!!!

Another month again, we are here to show you this month's new release!. After almost 2 years to get out the first boxed set of Ron & Bones and thanks
to the support of the entire gaming community and Ron & Bones fans, this month was to sea the second Starter set of Ron & Bones.
¿Are you ready for the second approach !!!??

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As many of you know Ron & Bones is a game of skirmishes between pirates of all kinds, you sabotage, rescue captured maidens, seduce,
drunk the crew, bribe, destroy galleons ... and ultimately, create a crew that would be the fear of the Big Blue.
And, as you all know, pirate life is better life.

We begin by show you a picture of the new boxed set and its characteristics:
Designed by Saul Remis y Melina Suarez.
Illustrations by Saul Remis y Pedro Nuñez.

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This new starter set contains everything needed for a pirate captain as you to begin his crew.

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After all this time since the start of the line, there have been many characters that have appeared in the world of Ron & Bones order to form part of
your crew. Aggressive and bloodthirsty pirates, lame, superstitious ... the most diverse group of scoundrels ready and armed to fight for you.

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In this new edition have been many changes and developments that have been introduced ... although all the material that has gone out to the market til
now continues remains fully functional.

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And here we present the first of the scoundrels that you can find inside the starter pack.
El Antillano!!!!!:
Designed by Pedro Nuñez.
Sculpted by Simon Remis.
Painted by Jose M. Palomares.

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And for last but not least, the fearless and acrobatic buccaneer Melinette.
Diseño Pedro Nuñez.
Escultura Simon Remis.
Pintura Jose M. Palomares.

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To end congratulate the winners of the 2 starter set in our last contest-game of facebook we have done in the last weeks, Andres Pinto Bello and
Antonio Garcia Perez. And thank to the entire community of players and fans that have always helped and supported us with your comments, blogs,
pages and smiles.

As always we invite everyone to join our facebook, every little bit we will post news and events that we attend, introductory part to play, painting
competitions, stories ... and a lot of activities.


Regards to all!!!!
TOW team.
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