Neolis' Wip

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Re: Neolis' Wip

Post by arctica »

Wow, now that mini really suits your style of painting. The lizard thing looks amazing :) i love the colours and the highlights are well done too. Great stuff dude, and to echo what others have said you are progressing really well. Keep going ! :clap:
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Re: Neolis' Wip

Post by Skrit »

I really like what you did on the last one but what is it? A Dragon or a Dinosaur?
The evilgod fig also shows promise mate, I'd touch up the reds on his skirt a bit as they lean to orange a bit. Unless that's intentional of course...
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Re: Neolis' Wip

Post by Neolis »

The last one is a highlands hunting dragon by darksword. Useing a picture of a lizard as I paint him to refer to.

Re: Neolis' Wip

Post by Dragyn »

Very kool, Neolis. this looks to be one of your best minis yet! Thansk for sharing and keep us posted on its progress!
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Re: Neolis' Wip

Post by Neolis »

If it wasn't for the gutter my mind would be homeless.
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Re: Neolis' Wip

Post by mahon »

either I am wrong or progress is visible on many parts!

first model: skin looks much better than the rest of the model. I'd cover shadows on the skin with a glaze of some different color, just to make the color more interesting.

second model: yeah, here I'd add some color variation in the highlights. Just to break the monotoneous color scheme... not to change it radically, just change the hue a little bit.

third model: the shading on the legs - is it primer? it's so bold that it just asks for being colored with some glazes. almost ready shading... or will it stay this way and it's ready? why I am asking is that the quality looks better than on the jacket, which suggests deliberate painting, while the black/white color scheme is a bit misleading.
-- Mahoń


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Re: Neolis' Wip

Post by Neolis »

Sorry Mahon I must have missed that some one replied to the pics.
1st model is being played with but you know me I try and move on apply the idea to the next model. Its funny but its a way I learn to integrate the thought from start to finish.

2nd Model : Ah this is a commission piece (no deadline) Will definitely try a glaze to separate the tone to every thing.

3rd: Nope this is me tring to be bolder with my shadows and highlights. The model will be staying that way as I am trying to play with the jacket to smooth its highlights and shadows out to get it equal to the pants. Mostly I've been painting a lot thinner and in a LOT more layers,

Which is going to make this WIP look bad as its for play use though still trying new ideas. I wanted to play with a lot of different brown tones so I could learn whats different mixes and shadow/base/highlight will come up with. So the whole thing looks monotonous with no clear divisions but since knowing my luck its going to get chipped in playing it will make it quick and easy to repair.

ImageClick to see full-sized image

Feel bad that all I had to offer up was a playing piece so here is the hatter closer to being done and Space hulk mini for my local store owner.
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
If it wasn't for the gutter my mind would be homeless.
"She bears the scarlet letter, her skin as soft as feathers, her demeanor tough as leather."
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Re: Neolis' Wip

Post by arctica »

You're like a painting machine :D , I like these models of yours alot. The painting is nice and smooth which is great, a bit more highlighting i think would make these minis really shine. The hair on the wyrd woman could do with some more shine/sheen but it all looks good :)
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Re: Neolis' Wip

Post by Neolis »

Trying to push some wyrd mini stuff out as I have a tournament for the game on Oct 31st and I want 2 painted groups for it. Also sees when I use the blue background my camera goes to yellow.

ImageClick to see full-sized imageImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image
If it wasn't for the gutter my mind would be homeless.
"She bears the scarlet letter, her skin as soft as feathers, her demeanor tough as leather."
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Re: Neolis' Wip

Post by Nameless »

I thinik they're nice, but it's hard to say anything specific.
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