Re: Bushido
Posted: 31 Mar 2012, o 15:19
It's like with translations. Voltaire said they're like women: faithful or beautifulatacam wrote:I think one issue is the expanse of red. I have to stick to the concept as much as possible.

I fully understand that having to stay true to the concept art can be a seriously limiting factor...
Good point!I think in drawn pictures you can probably get away with stuff that doesn't transfer to minis as well, yes/no?
Sometimes it's difficult to recreate concept art with a sculpt, then to recreate it with the paintjob and still make it look good. Transfering 2d art into 3d has its own difficulties...
Not trying to comment on any particular paintjob, but more on the general subject of painting "official paintjobs". There are quite a few people who do great jobs in this field. Angel Giraldez comes to my mind as the first example. He's definitely good at what he does, and it seems quite a few manufacturers noticed it already. Then I would add the painters painting for Dark Sword Miniatures, Knight Models and Kabuki Models, too, although they are less restricted with the concept art color schemes I think (I may be wrong though).Please, let me know, here or by PM, any advice can only be a good thing.
If I was trying to improve at doing good official paintjobs I would try to analyze why I consider their works good.
What I think is: they all work with more saturated colors (it looks good on pics), more contrast than you use, and they present good photos. I fact I often prefer Angel's photos to the official ones. Now what do you think should be improved in your case first? If anything needs change at all...