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Re: pae's junk
Posted: 10 Jun 2013, o 18:19
by pae
This figure has two options for each hand. In the right hand, you can choose a sword or an axe. In the left hand, you can choose between the sheild and a severed head.
Re: pae's junk
Posted: 10 Jun 2013, o 18:40
by Demi_morgana
Maru wrote:definitly not super model . they would call her fat and short
She's not fat, she's sexy
Re: pae's junk
Posted: 11 Jun 2013, o 10:21
by Pandadosmares
Demi_morgana wrote:Maru wrote:definitly not super model . they would call her fat and short
She's not fat, she's sexy
enough of skinny, all bones
Re: pae's junk
Posted: 11 Jun 2013, o 19:07
by pae
I've been working on this one off and on for the past year or so. It was painted for my wife, Kimberly.
54mm Finari from Reaper.
CMON link. (Posting on CofC before Nameless gives me grief. :-p )
Click to see full-sized image
Re: pae's junk
Posted: 11 Jun 2013, o 19:15
by Nameless
love the shield and basing!
Re: pae's junk
Posted: 25 Jul 2013, o 19:37
by pae
Re: pae's junk
Posted: 15 Oct 2013, o 07:01
by pae
Click to see full-sized image
A few years ago, I saw a tutorial on shaded metallics by Sebastian Archer (automaton--also the guy behind Guild of Harmony) in which he painted the Kelian Durak model from Rackham. I have always loved Rackham figures, and this one was no exception. I ended up getting at least 3 copies of it. This is the first one I've put paint on, however.
Instead of going the shaded metallic route, I opted for my more familiar Non-Metallic Metal style. I had a hard time figuring out a color scheme for this, but once I picked purple for the robe, the rest of it pretty much fell into place. I also wanted to do a freehand design on the cloak, but then I started to get a bit intimidated by all of the folds on the figure. As a result, I just went with the pattern that was on the shield, but in the opposite colors.
For the base, I'd been watching a few videos from Ben Komets (if you've seen the videos, you probably already guessed this), and I wanted to have a setting that fit with the relaxed pose the character had. But I also wanted it to have a ruined look to it.
I created the pillar out of the same Juweela bricks that the pavestones are constructed with. I glued them together, and then smashed the top of it. I took the resulting crumbles of stone and scattered them around the base of the pillar. The rest is pretty much just cork. ballast, and dirt. The dead shrubs were made from the roots of a weed that I pulled out of my backyard.
Re: pae's junk
Posted: 15 Oct 2013, o 07:42
by Demi_morgana
Great work
After reading Automaton's tut few years back I also wanted to test it but somehow all I have are mid nors and a deader or two from Rackham range.
Re: pae's junk
Posted: 15 Oct 2013, o 08:42
by Nameless
I'm just not quite fond of the way you painted a shield. This "checkered" method may look good on narrow elements like sword blades, but not on a wide flat surface like this. YMMV. Also, there is a weird white spot on the edge of the shield (bottom right pic).
Just some nitpicking, I do love this one
Re: pae's junk
Posted: 16 Oct 2013, o 13:18
by Pandadosmares
thats top
i would give some more color to the base