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Re: CoolMiniOrNot news
Posted: 24 Jun 2011, o 14:46
by Corvus
EDIT: this should have been in the GW thread
Re: CoolMiniOrNot news
Posted: 24 Jun 2011, o 14:54
by Demi_morgana
Re: CoolMiniOrNot news
Posted: 28 Jul 2011, o 21:17
by MiSiU
Thank you for following the teasers. Here is Cang the Implacable, Cool Mini Or Not's 10th Anniversary Dragon! This beast stands 20in' tall from the wing-tip down to the rocky base.
See you at GenCon!
Click to see full-sized image
My, my... Grandma... What big teeth you got there....
Me likey, but I'm afraid the price tag will be well beyond borders of reason.
Re: CoolMiniOrNot news
Posted: 28 Jul 2011, o 21:21
by pae
I think I read somewhere that it's going to be in the $250 - $300 range.
Re: CoolMiniOrNot news
Posted: 28 Jul 2011, o 22:52
by Dargrin
Not worth it IMHO!
Re: CoolMiniOrNot news
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, o 03:24
by Skrit
I think it's worth it but only if you have too much money. I would like to have it but I could never justify to actually buy it. Except maybe if I win the lottery soon!

Re: CoolMiniOrNot news
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, o 06:07
by pae
pae wrote:I think I read somewhere that it's going to be in the $250 - $300 range.
I knew I read it somewhere. It was in the last CMON mailer I got:
You have seen all the news and pictures in the past weeks, and we thank you for all your emails and excitement, we now present you the first of many of our Gen Con Indy releases at the CMON booth # 849
Cang the Implacable, Cool Mini Or Not 10th Anniversary Dragon (over 20 inches tall!) $249.99 during the month of August to celebrate our birthday, and $299.99 after.
Re: CoolMiniOrNot news
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, o 07:00
by Bohun
I've seen some closeups of the WIP of the dragon and it looks amazing! It looks much better then the Heresy Dragon, although I would need to see more pictures of the completed model before deciding to buy one.
Still I'm very tempted

Re: CoolMiniOrNot news
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, o 08:08
by mahon
It's nice, looks much like real lizards.
The price is high though. But its probably worth the price if you have so much money to spend.
Re: CoolMiniOrNot news
Posted: 29 Jul 2011, o 10:22
by Pandadosmares
Too big, too pricey, but looks good