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Posted: 1 Mar 2009, o 18:22
by Wraithlord
I agree, the theme behind this is deep as hell. I think the scene is well picked up on overall but I also agree that placing his name on the older soldier somewhere would define it further.

Posted: 2 Mar 2009, o 05:37
by Cyberpaddy66
Looking great, I like the kid, was it the one you wanted or a stand in?

Posted: 2 Mar 2009, o 13:42
by Neolis
Thank you on all the feed back guys. I knew it would be a scene open to interpretation. I just hope for those that seen the movie that knowing its based on the movie it helps them arrive at the same interpretation as they get when watching the movie. I felt the death of innocence was the big theme I got but hopefully it represents the movie great over all on its own.

@artica: Actually think I may "sign" my IP minis this way for this series. I also have the forum picture of my opponent that I beat last round in there too.

@nameless and wraithlord: They are not necessarily the same person but I did want to hint at the possibility that they are.

@cyberpaddy66: Yeah this was the kid in particular I was waiting for the skateboarder out of the set was my original idea but this one felt better when I opened the blister.

Posted: 2 Mar 2009, o 14:29
by Dragyn
I think it works very well with the theme and wish you the best of luck in this round.

Posted: 11 Mar 2009, o 07:00
by Neolis
ImageClick to see full-sized image
ImageClick to see full-sized image

2 hours work tonight after work on the IP entry. Going to stretch this theme big time as I don't want to be one of the many shower scene minis.

Posted: 11 Mar 2009, o 09:03
by Nameless
can't see the 'psycho' element for now, waiting for progress :)

Posted: 11 Mar 2009, o 12:53
by Neolis
Eh, I can just say this one early will be a marine painting a mini for iron painter. Will be a desk and knocked over chair as he turns away. sort of a sureal thing. Did not want to do the shower thing as I literally have a mini for it sitting in front of me half done for some thing like that.

Posted: 13 Mar 2009, o 21:28
by paintminion
Hey, back to your dio scene...I think you really nee dto work on cutting it down to focus...Enough wall to block characters, a poster and figure on each side...enough to give a story, though it's open toi a bit of interpretation unless you have a way to timestamp it. But yeah, really cutting this down to focus on the two figures would probably help.

...and what's wrong with shower scenes!?

Posted: 13 Mar 2009, o 23:04
by Ana
Oooh I am late with my comment about the diorama :D but of course it is normal with me.
Anyway I write what I think:

The idea is great, and details gave it cool mood.

For me it is missing a little more dirt in the adult side ... maybe a trace of mud from a wheel, or a stain - spillage of chemicals.

And IMO the ladder is too big.

I also will wait with a comment about the new mini for more progress :)

Posted: 17 Mar 2009, o 07:19
by Neolis
Sorry for the delay all. I was at my girlfriends for the weekend.

@PaintMinion: I agree but live and learn. First time doing any form of a Dio period and in this contest its a good and bad thing for me. I am shrinking down the size of this next one by 50% (literally the base size) hopefully it will give the tighter feel.

Nothing wrong with the shower scene stuff. I just know their will be people doing it better then I can and I am going to try to avoid them and the head to head comparison. Besides I feel dirty with a half finished mini if I used it for this contest. I was working on the bath time for bubbles mini from croc games about 3 months prior to all this.

@Ana: Your right on the adult side of the Dio. The ladder is huge! I was sort of impatient in building it and rushed in its construction. Hopefully with I build the minis desk I will not be quite as bad.

Some of tonight's work.

Edit took out old pics and in following post updated ones.