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Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Posted: 6 Feb 2014, o 12:12
by voyager
Been a while since the last update, good thing I have a little bit to show for it! Let's get straight into it!

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Protectorate of Menoth Castigator

Photo doesn't really show the white off properly, it came up far better than the other three (more practice I guess!), its both brighter and better shaded. Still need to finish a few bits and bobs off, but otherwise this one joins the ranks as you see it here. First time using the Vallejo Liquid Gold - LOVE that stuff!!!

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Blindwater Congregation Bog Trogs

Needs a bit of topiary on the bases to finish off, and a few weeds attached to the trogs here and there. Not inspiring minis to be honest, they were done quickly using primarily the airbrush and some oil washes. They are gaming pieces, they'll do.

Quick segway here... I was fortunate to attend a class run by Meg Maples here in Melbourne - this is the first time that I know of that any professional miniature painter has travelled around and held classes. Hopefully she has started a veritable flood of them now. Using what I learned in that class, here is the first finished product.

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Circle Orboros Druid Wilder

Done entirely with 2 brush blending, which I've never done prior to her class 2 weeks ago. It's a bit rough I'll admit, but it only took about 4 hours start to finish. If I can get the roughness out and the time down to about 3 hours, then I'll be whistling through my armies to a good gaming standard, which will make me very happy!

Anyway, that's the update done. Thoughts and comments welcome as always (ignore the Bog Trogs, I know they are crap!)

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Posted: 7 Feb 2014, o 10:06
by Nameless
voyager wrote:(ignore the Bog Trogs, I know they are crap!)
hey, I like them! not the contest level, but they look good as a unit :)

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Posted: 10 Feb 2014, o 15:12
by voyager
Figured this could go here. Painting these up for a special project (more information on that over the coming weeks), this is not an army I collect and/or play.

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pStryker & Journeyman Warcaster "Junior", WIP (front)

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pStryker & Journeyman Warcaster "Junior", WIP (rear)

Photos are from a phone so a bit harsh. Done the blues, cloak trip, faces, hair and part of the browns. Bases are just block colours, the rest need pigments and pastels once I'm closer to complete.

Edit - I did finish the cream/whites, but the photo has blown them out to nothing. You'll have to take my word for that part.

Thoughts/critiques/suggestions/etc welcome as always!

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Posted: 11 Feb 2014, o 09:57
Very nice bases. I would push the shadows on the blue and yellow a bit more.

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Posted: 12 Feb 2014, o 13:26
by voyager
I would push the shadows on the blue and yellow a bit more.
I'll see what I can do there. Some of that might be the very average photos.

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pStryer & Junior, still WIP

Metals are just basecoated, bases are clearly not finished yet either. I am planning to put some oil washes down on the metals for some initial shading, then build up some depth with coloured washes and glazes. Job (hopefully) for tomorrow.

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, o 11:30
by voyager
Got the oil washes done. This will take until tomorrow to dry fully, so I can possibly finish these at that time. This wash was really to get some definition into the metals, not to do the job of shading them fully. Photo is a bit harsh but you get the idea.

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pStryker & Junior, WIP (still)

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Posted: 15 Feb 2014, o 06:48
by voyager
Finally finished these two. Pictures aren't fantastic - the cream cloth on Junior is much nicer than this suggests, and the blues have a decent light-to-shade transition. However, they are done. Learned a lot from them too, and reasonably pleased with the final results :)

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Journeyman Warcaster, AKA "Junior"

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Commander Coleman Stryker, Cygnar Warcaster

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Posted: 15 Feb 2014, o 07:43
by voyager
Just because I had the camera out. All my fully painted Protectorate figures in one photo. I've got loads more of them, just in various stages of assembly and/or paint.

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Protectorate of Menoth army, what is fully painted as of Feb 2014

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Posted: 17 Feb 2014, o 22:59
by Nameless

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Posted: 23 Feb 2014, o 09:02
by voyager
Better photos of the warcasters. Finally!

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ImageClick to see full-sized image