Difficult to paint well, yes, but I think this figure will look quite good with a very basic wash/drybrush gaming quality paintjob. All the details look very well defined.
Corvus wrote:I think this figure will look quite good with a very basic wash/drybrush gaming quality paintjob.
yes, but this kind of overdetailing makes me tremble in horror whenever I think about painting such a mini. And I don't mean tabletop quality.
but you're right - overdetailed or not, likey or meh, this one's detailing is pretty sharp and crisp
For me it's not a case of hating but I'm not good at doing hair.
Getting back into the thick (or rather thin as in thinning my paints) of it, not picked up a brush in some time so this may hurt a bit until I get used to the feel of them again