ainuin wrote:GD is overrated anyway...
I wouldn't say so.
I know you guys got some issues with GW, and I know that GD itself is not the best organized event, but still it's the best known mini painting comp atm.
At this forum we are mostly painters, and from our point of view it might not seem like this, but WH and WH40k are still the most popular.
Honestly I don't get why you hate GW so much...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that GW made minis and mini related stuff so popular. Ofc there was other games and collectors minis, but Wh was the turning point.
If it wasn't for GW and their stuff, there would be no such things like Infinity, Wyrd, Soda pop, Smart Max (not mentioning independent sculptors).
And yes, GW is gaming company, and GD is strongly game-oriented event (with specific rules and judging criteria), but it's just the way it is.
If you don't like it just entry another competitions, there is plenty of it...
But please stop b****ing around about GW, it's getting old.
sorry for my bad english.