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Posted: 29 Jul 2005, o 17:01
by Demi_morgana
the demon is simply amazing!
especially when compared with his lesser cousin - gw daemon prince :wink:
I wonder is there any chance to get it in poland... 8)

Posted: 29 Jul 2005, o 17:25
by Lonewolf
Demi_morgana wrote:the demon is simply amazing!
especially when compared with his lesser (Quality) cousin - gw daemon prince :wink:
I wonder is there any chance to get it in poland... 8)
I'm Certain Andy at Heresy ships worldwide so i don't see how it would be a problem getting hold of one.

New Sci-fi stuff from Heresy

Posted: 24 Aug 2005, o 15:19
by Lonewolf
Some of Andy's new Sci-fi range are now available for pre-order 8)


Heresy Vampire

Posted: 25 May 2006, o 12:27
by KingUlrikFlamebeard

RE: [Heresy] Vampire

Posted: 25 May 2006, o 12:29
by mahon
I like it. The wings are abit thick and massive, but the whole mini has this monstruous feel, which I like in vampires..

Posted: 25 May 2006, o 12:31
by tidoco2222
Now that is a sculpt that I realy like, I will definately get one or mabe even two of these.

Posted: 25 May 2006, o 12:34
by mahon
if *you* paint it, Tim, I can't wait to see it!

Posted: 25 May 2006, o 12:50
by ToMaZ
Damn that's a nice sculpt. I want one. One of the better vampire sculpts out there.

Posted: 25 May 2006, o 13:27
by Skrit
Nice one! If it's the same Paul Muller that used to work for GW then it's good to see he's still doing miniatures! He made some really nice Cultists, Ghouls and ofcourse really good Muties!

Posted: 25 May 2006, o 20:47
by Vandred
Just great! I have to have one for my undead army.
I would love to see one painted soon.