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Re: Studio McVey Miniatures

Posted: 20 Aug 2009, o 10:22
by ToMaZ
yeah he looks great. BTW I have the raven priest at home, and I have never seen such a good quality casting. Very crisp detail, no rough surfaces and as good as no moldlines!

Re: Studio McVey Miniatures

Posted: 20 Aug 2009, o 11:33
by Skrit
Now this one I like. A lot! :D

Re: Studio McVey Miniatures

Posted: 26 Aug 2009, o 10:16
by mahon

Re: Studio McVey Miniatures

Posted: 26 Aug 2009, o 11:02
by arctica
This one is much better than the first one for me. It's nicely detailed with enough area for freehand work too. Nice model :)

Re: Studio McVey Miniatures

Posted: 26 Aug 2009, o 11:21
by Nameless
only the weapon is kinda stupid

Re: Studio McVey Miniatures

Posted: 26 Aug 2009, o 11:25
by mahon
yeah, it's a drill :P

I wonder what's the concept behind their miniatures. They're surely not quite my favorite kind, even if sculpted well...

Re: Studio McVey Miniatures

Posted: 26 Aug 2009, o 12:07
by Skrit
It's a Dragon's horn but indeed does look like a drill a bit...

I guess their range is a bit hit and go and will be whatever they have in their minds at that moment. That or they are giving their commissioned sculptors total freedom to do whatever they want.

Re: Studio McVey Miniatures

Posted: 26 Aug 2009, o 13:30
Looking at this it reminds me of urban mamouth Gaels... its Ok I guess I liked Gaels back in the day, but just not something I see myself buying in he present time or anytime soon.

Re: Studio McVey Miniatures

Posted: 3 Sep 2009, o 10:59
by mahon

they plan to release more base inserts...

and here's the concept art for their latest miniature:


Re: Studio McVey Miniatures

Posted: 3 Sep 2009, o 11:05
by Nameless
red crosses...