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Posted: 23 Aug 2007, o 09:30
by Morf
The mniatures are getting charmingly awesome, I couldn't resist buying one at GenCon. The product developer is very nice, I had a short nice chat with him, he mentioned they comission an ex-Rackham sculptor (any ideas who?) and well, some of the paintjobs are done by Thierry (Ark).
Posted: 23 Aug 2007, o 12:38
by Trovarion
well, the miniature says "i was done by an ex rackham sculptor" ^^
Posted: 23 Aug 2007, o 13:01
by mahon
Trovarion wrote:"i was done by an ex rackham sculptor"
... who didn't want me to be a prepainted rubbery toy

Posted: 23 Aug 2007, o 13:30
by Trovarion

Posted: 23 Aug 2007, o 19:39
by LadyEyes
Ok, she's gorgeous... but she's US$10! For just one mini... I'd love to paint her, but I'm probably gonna pass.
Posted: 24 Aug 2007, o 18:57
by Skrit
That's about 8 Euro. Compared to some Rackham and GW mini's I don't think it's much...
Posted: 24 Aug 2007, o 20:08
by Trovarion
Posted: 24 Aug 2007, o 21:13
by LadyEyes
If I was going to use them in a game, not so bad. But I'm not picking up another mini game right now.

New Greens
Posted: 8 Sep 2007, o 00:21
by Bexley
RE: New Greens
Posted: 8 Sep 2007, o 07:54
by Demi_morgana
not for me I'm afraid although sculpts are amazing