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Post pictures and discussions regarding works in progress here, please. If you have photos of these works when they're completed, feel free to post them to the right section and feel free to add the link in your post about the work in progress.
- the tip of the gun needs to be pointed to the ground a bit more, otherwise it looks unnatural as gravity would make it pretty hard to hold it the way it is.
- the mouth looks to "sweet" for my opinion. Like a soda pop face. Maybe she could use a more worldly-wise expression.
- will she get a chain into her left hand like on the drawing? If not, the hand should be changed into a more lively position.
Wow that is really coming along. The only problem I have with it is that the face seems kinda rough. It that just the pic or are you going to smooth it out a bit more later?
The hair around the face could stand to be a little fuller to match the picture. It looks more "wind blown" in the picture, and a little thicker on either side of the face.
"I like gypsy moths and radio talk
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything"