Antenociti's Workshop

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Antenociti's Workshop

Post by Demi_morgana »

Quote from their site:

"As some of you may already know Antenociti's Workshop is in the first stages of production of its own line of sci-fi figures? and if you didn?t know then now you do!

We will produce an initial range of around 60 miniatures that will include soldiers, technicians, civilians, pilots, riders and robots. There will be 12 figures in the initial release that we hope will be available at the end of Spring. The figures are sized at around 32mm to the top of head (28/29 to eye) and are comparable in size to Corvus Belli's excellent Infinity figure range.

The initial batch of figures is currently being sculpted and over the new few weeks and months we will be releasing artwork and WIP images to show how they and their colleagues are developing toward production and release.

Alongside the figures we will be tailoring all of our new sci-fi scenery and vehicles to match the figure scale and to be part of the universe created for the figures. We will also be going back over existing scenery and vehicles to bring them in-line with our universe as well as having the entire range re-painted in appropriate colours and decals.

Later in the project we will release plans and tutorials for constructing your own scenery stylised for our universe but generically suitable for many other futuristic wargames. This will allow the gamer to be able to complete a board populated with soldiers, citizenry, robots, vehicles and buildings designed from start to finish to produce a seamless and fully integrated environment.

Details of that universe will be available from a new website which we will publish later in the year and will contain a wealth of background information on the troops, technology and history. It should also give you an idea of what you might see later in the range and give you a feel for what combat and life is like in this new universe.

This will all be a steady drip-feed of new items and information in a way that we hope will not impact detrimentally on our ability to continue to supply the gamer and modeller with top-notch products. So don?t expect a non-stop deluge of new figures but do expect a steadily growing catalogue that we hope you will be able to enjoy either within our universe or within your own chosen game universe.

We will keep you apprised of developments via the blog here and, when completed, via the dedicated website which we will link to later when it is available. For now we will leave with a WIP image of two of our troopers which will give a first glimpse into the unique style of weaponry and armour that will be available throughout the range."

ImageClick to see full-sized image

:curtain: it's Nameless who delivered this news but he just used my fingers to post it

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RE: Antenociti

Post by mahon »

I like them. Now the question is: what will the price be...
-- Mahoń


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RE: Antenociti

Post by arctica »

They look quite nice actually. the heads seem a bit boring but i'll reserve further judgement when they do some official releases. Will be interesting to see.
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RE: Antenociti

Post by Demi_morgana »

I like them too - a lot!

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Re: Antenociti's Workshop

Post by mahon »

now that's weird. not bad, but just weird...
-- Mahoń


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Re: Antenociti's Workshop

Post by arctica »

I like it but i do wonder how the rider can see around the big wheel. :) still very nicely done so far
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Re: Antenociti's Workshop

Post by Nameless »

@Mahon - kinda reminds me of that Darkson tank :) I just think this one is executed better.

@Arctica - they mentioned something about a holo-screen, or something like that :)
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Re: Antenociti's Workshop

Post by mahon »

while the tank was more weird-science/pulp/weird-war, this is more sci-fi.
I think I'd prefer the tank, but know you'd prefer this thing :)
-- Mahoń


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Re: Antenociti's Workshop

Post by Corvus »

They talk about figures, scenery, ... but is there a game associated with this?

I don't know if this will sell... Infinity is so damn good.
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