Hope you like the new figures! If you'd like to place an order, you can just PM me here on the forums, or email me (at sbstn_@msn.com) and tell me what you want if you want; or you can use the Paypal online store on my site, here: https://www.guildofharmony.com/shop.php
Thanks guys,
Last edited by sebastian on 12 Apr 2013, o 07:42, edited 1 time in total.
I like them all except that the Karick-Dar and the Zargun, Assassin are identicle from the back and only have a face , jacket (front) and weapon change
Getting back into the thick (or rather thin as in thinning my paints) of it, not picked up a brush in some time so this may hurt a bit until I get used to the feel of them again
yeah, Zargun is just meant to be a fantasy version of the sci-fi apprentice, that is all. So he's got a different weapon, different shoes, some armour on his chest, and the belt buckle, plus a beard
They look awesome i really like the feel of these new ones. Not quite the prince of persia feel for me more like assassin's creed, but cool nonetheless. May have to order some in the future.