A Month of Sundays - my 96hrs of painting challenge

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Re: A Month of Sundays - my 96hrs of painting challenge

Post by voyager »

So I just posted #13 up, and over the next day or so from then I couldn't believe how well that technique worked to produce tabletop figures. So I had to try it on a figure for my army. This one is a broken figure - it's missing the hand - so I won't ever field it for real. However, as a test run of "could I paint an army like this", it was fine.

Session #14
Sunday 26th May 2013
Time Spent: 3 hours (50hrs remaining)
Worked on: Kaya the Moonhunter

Same modulation technique and colours used for it, but the mini has a darker, more natural feel now. Colour choices worked well. Once again, almost no highlighting was done aside from her face, hands and the silvery metal. Now she is still a work in progress (a few gubbins, the base, etc) but again - for the time invested I reckon she came out spectacularly well.

ImageClick to see full-sized image
Kaya the Moonhunter, WIP

There is still one session to put in but I don't have photos for it yet. Until I do, I'll track time spent on it and post when it's complete.
Last edited by voyager on 28 Jun 2013, o 03:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Month of Sundays - my 96hrs of painting challenge

Post by Nameless »

that's the longest 96 hours ever! ;)
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Re: A Month of Sundays - my 96hrs of painting challenge

Post by voyager »

that's the longest 96 hours ever!
never said it would be 96hrs straight! :P
World's Slowest Painter
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Re: A Month of Sundays - my 96hrs of painting challenge

Post by Nameless »

I can only be happy you're painting and not writing a script for "24 hours" :P
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Re: A Month of Sundays - my 96hrs of painting challenge

Post by voyager »

Been mostly working on my gaming stuff lately, but felt it was time for a bit of a change of pace.

ImageClick to see full-sized image
Wolfen Predator, WIP

Still very much a work in progress. Going to try to do NMM steel and gold, which will be tough for me. Not had any real experience with it before now.
World's Slowest Painter
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Re: A Month of Sundays - my 96hrs of painting challenge

Post by Nameless »

good luck with NMM then :)
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