yeah there is shading done on the flesh with some brown mixed with flesh color..... but indeed i didn't want to overdo it for my first try... need to learn wich colors i can use for the shades..... someone told me for the flesh i need to use burnt sienna..... other site's state i should use a 3:1 mix of brown and red..... this mini is a trial so still can do some changes on it... really want to get this right cuz i think it's verry usefull for larger figures where washing and highlighting just won't do the trick.....
tnx for the help in advance.... i'm learning a lot here.....
Here's a decent tutorial for flesh shading by GirlPainting. It's more on the simple side, and doesn't get into layering and blending too much. But, to get started, I'd say it's a good one...
It's actually a tut about painting a barbarian mini to "table top" quality (as opposed to say "display quality"). She shares some good foundational techniques (washes and highlighting), IMO. She starts into the flesh highlighting portion at about 14:50.
FWIW, GirlPainting has quite a lot of good tutorials. So, I'd recommend checking out some of her other stuff too. She explains everything very well. Her teaching style reminds me a little of Bob Ross.
you definitely need to be more bold with shading. as of now, it looks like you have base colours only, which kind of makes the whole exercise redundant. what do you need wetblending for, if there is no difference between shadow and highlight? The whole point of blending (regardless of a method) is to provide a smooth transition between the two colours or shades.
it's a clean paintjob, probably enough for table-top gaming. but, I suppose you want something more than that. so, find a courage in your heart and show us some SERIOUS contrast good luck!
EDIT: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=8492&start=20
just found this, take a look how Skraal tries to build up the contrast on the very same mini you are painting.
ok i tried something else..... like a face.....had my new mini come in this week and started with the skin..... find that the hardest to do so if that works it's only good for my motivation..... taken it very slow......