Nameless Guard

Now Reactivated and Revolutionized!!
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Re: Nameless Guard

Post by Demi_morgana »

So I failed even more :D

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Katoliku uważaj!
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Re: Nameless Guard

Post by Nameless »

let's see how many plague marines I have... probably enough to make 5 units of 7 models...
4 or 5 chaos termies... would need to get 2-3 more... preferably looking more nurglish, like typhus...
new plaguebearers actually look good... if I buy a box, I'll have 7 units of 7 models.
and then a big demon or something like that to have exactly 50 models.

oh, and I painted the first marine. I shall dub my new technique - drybrushed zenithal lighting.
nothing fancy, but it was extremely quick for me and will look satisfactory if I have all 50 painted.

1/50 - 2%
cheating slightly, base is not ready
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Re: Nameless Guard

Post by Demi_morgana »

had no idea you have so many of them :zombie:
can't wai to see them :D

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Katoliku uważaj!
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Re: Nameless Guard

Post by Nameless »

Demi_morgana wrote:had no idea you have so many of them :zombie:
neither had I :bonk:

here's the first squad, with a test paintjob in the middle ;)


drybrush FTW! :mrgreen:
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Re: Nameless Guard

Post by Demi_morgana »

Looks decent from 2 meters away, how about some close ups? :D

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Re: Nameless Guard

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Finally some pictures! Those plague marines look very dynamic.
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Re: Nameless Guard

Post by Hellspawn »

Damn, I'll have to keep working on my Salamanders if I don't want Phil to catch my Tale
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Re: Nameless Guard

Post by Pandadosmares »

Thats almost a teaser :lol:
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Re: Nameless Guard

Post by Nameless »

any closer and you'd all see how awfully painted they are :P so, no close-ups, teasers only :)
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Re: Nameless Guard

Post by Nameless »

so there's this cool motivational event called Painters' Activation managed by some Polish chap, FireAnt


Rules are very complicated, but on a basic level it's a Tale of Gamers. People have like 6 months or so to paint an army. For every painted mini you get some points, plus there's a lot of chances to grab bonus points. Theme for March is Heavy Support, so war machines are to be awarded more than usual. There are also additional tasks and categories... In the end they add up the points and there are some rewards to be given to the best.

Screw the points, themes, best painting awards, largest army awards...

I'll try to use this Activation event as a motivation for my own goal. Thank you FireAnt, I hope you can help me.

Let's move with the Nameless Guard then. As you know already, this will be a 40K Death Guard / Plague Marines army.

7 - being the sacred number of Nurgle - will comprise the main theme of my army.

7 units of 7 models, and then 7 war machines, plus 1 big mothafucka, who's gonna represent Nameless himself. Demon prince or something similar to it. Am I stupid? Yes, I am. But I'm gonna go for it anyway. At least I'm gonna try...

I'm not even sure if this is a legal army. I don't know how many points is in my list. If there's a 40k gamer around, help would be appreciated :) Anyway, if I make a deal with Hellspawn, my army list would be following:

HQ Nameless
HQ Typhus + EL 6 plague terminators + HS Land Raider
EL Dreadnought
EL Dreadnought
TR 7 plague marines (champ, standard, special weapons like plasmas) + Rhino
TR 7 plague marines (champ, standard, special weapons like plasmas) + Rhino
TR 7 plague marines (champ, standard, special weapons like plasmas)
TR 7 plague marines (champ, standard, special weapons like plasmas)
TR 7 Plague Bearers
HS 7 plague havocs (lascannons, missile launchers etc)
HS Predator (may be used as a 3rd Rhino, I don't really care for WYSIWYG)

that's a lot ... for me. 7 units and 7 machines in 6 months. This means I need at least 2 pieces of my army (be it unit or machine) each month. Funny, old me...
Oh well, hopefully my drybrushed zenithal lighting will get me a quick (that's a requirement), gritty (that's sure with drybrushing), good looking (from far, far away) army.
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