p1per wrote:Rail Crew Lady - oh please be released as solo
From what I see and can guess is that the Rail Crew seems to be a new band (looking at the structure of it and the fact that it says "box content") so there are high chances that you'll have the rail crew lady released as solo since all the minis for malifaux (or at least most of them) are sold separetly
None for me; not my cup of tea... IMHO the digital sculpts are not as good a human made ones
Barton Stano
GameMaster of Pulp RPG using Hero System
Rat Rancher (rat ranching had better be fun, it sure ain't profitable)
learning to paint and sculpt
Lombard, IL USA
Yeah, every release since Gencon last month will be plastic (GW like plastic, a bit less brittle however).
The plastic releases haven't yet hit the stores tho, only the stuff ordered during Gencon is starting to arrive and should be available in stores next month or in november, not sure.