mahon wrote:czlowiek.morze wrote:I don't say that often, but GW is much better and cheaper and didn't steal anyone's idea

I think what they did is based on a lot of other people's ideas.
they didn't invent cemeteries, did they?

they weren't the first to describe a deathworld, were they?
orcs, goblins, elves, dwarves - not GW ideas.
and what about dragons?
playing devil's advocate, I know...

But I didn't see any miniature company making a whole cemetery before
There are companies that try to follow GW realeases and what they did, makes them one of them.
Remember how many Minotaurs were realeased at the same time as GW Beastsmen? AOW, Scibor and some other two which names I don't remember now

Coincidence? I don't think so

My point is, that their minotaurs were better looking. But this company not only made something worse but also more expensive.
There may be some people out there who will like this one more, but I am just giving my point of view
deathworld, orcs, goblins, elves, dwarves, dragons are not the case here

But of course GW wasn't the first to find those ideas.