more: ... -bust.htmlI did paint this 1:9 Young Miniature Gladiator bust in Octobre 2009 as a gift to my good friend Peter. Even we struggled in our friendship over the last years it all was meant that way. Guess this is what friendship is about - accepting the other side as he is, getting to know eachother and learn from eachoter. Many thanks for your friendship over the last years. Ok, Gladiator - i named the rework bust PUGNAMUS VICTUM! - that means somehow "We fight for Victory!" and that is what a noble life is about - every life is noble when it comes to fighting its own struggles. Some have more - some have less fights, some are born in fights and some search for fights but in the end we all try to seek Victory. My greatest Victory for myself in personality was losing this weight i have talked about up ahead.
My eyesight went clearer and i saw the bust again at the Painting Class in Munich, it felt very unfinished to me. I have only bad old photos but i guess everyone will get what i am talking about. I now will add some words on what i thought in that moment, when i saw the bust and called in unfinished. Here is the photo:
And so on. I guess i could fill a book right now after i did repaint him. I just heard this bust calling me to bring her to light. Some spots of light that wander on this bust, taking the viewers eyes by the hand and give them a kind of walkthrough. I did choose his left side to be the place, where the metal will make "bammaallaam!!", going over the rag, hitting the neck and truely setting his character in motion with his still good eye left for the cherry place. I try to explain how i pimped him up and what i did to the places i choose with seriously some mind fucking sketches for you i guess, buti my words will do the rest i hope. For sure this isn't an article where you only could watch the photos and think "yeah i got it!" - no it isn't reading and patience is the key and i am giving my best to be your travel guide, kindly showing you the depths of my brain jungle.
great and super detailed tutorial!