Painting Dark Eldar

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Super Villain
Super Villain
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Painting Dark Eldar

Post by mahon »

Guest Post by Dave Taylor

Post Summary: Dave shows us how he goes about painting the new detailed Dark Eldar models and doing them justice with a great looking paintjob that doesn't take forever to do.

ImageClick to see full-sized image

Hi everyone.

A few months ago, when the Dark Eldar samples had just hit the GW stores and FLGS around the world, the master of this very blog (Ron) expressed concern that not only would the standard army painting apathy affect the number of painted Dark Eldar armies, but that their intricate nature would further reduce the number of painted armies around. I think Ron was just having a bad day, but I suggested we should collaborate on something to show how easy it could be to have a sharp looking Dark Eldar painted quickly.

more: ... -well.html
-- Mahoń


Back in the garage with my bullshit detector
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