Search found 14786 matches

by Nameless
3 Jun 2014, o 09:34
Forum: Gotowe prace
Topic: [PL] warsztat czlowieka.morze
Replies: 480
Views: 124069

Re: [PL] warsztat czlowieka.morze

fajne te psiaki
by Nameless
30 May 2014, o 23:27
Forum: Trashcan ;)
Topic: So...What mini(s) did you work on today?
Replies: 6359
Views: 1058172

Re: So...What mini(s) did you work on today?

Nameless wrote:legion of everblight
by Nameless
29 May 2014, o 18:15
Forum: Trashcan ;)
Topic: So...What mini(s) did you work on today?
Replies: 6359
Views: 1058172

Re: So...What mini(s) did you work on today?

legion of everblight
by Nameless
14 May 2014, o 08:35
Forum: Manufacturers
Topic: JoeK Miniatures
Replies: 58
Views: 21769

Re: JoeK Miniatures

I might be more interested in that boat than a troll, lol :)
good luck Joe!
by Nameless
8 May 2014, o 12:44
Forum: Trashcan ;)
Topic: So...What mini(s) did you work on today?
Replies: 6359
Views: 1058172

Re: So...What mini(s) did you work on today?

wave serpent
by Nameless
8 May 2014, o 08:56
Forum: Showcase
Topic: there can be only one
Replies: 4
Views: 4930

Re: there can be only one

right click on the pic at cmon, properties, copy address, paste it into RIMG tag....

ImageClick to see full-sized image

now I can see it! and I like what I see :)
by Nameless
5 May 2014, o 20:58
Forum: Trashcan ;)
Topic: So...What mini(s) did you work on today?
Replies: 6359
Views: 1058172

Re: So...What mini(s) did you work on today?

stop priming then ;)

finished 3 reaper ladies. actually, finished only 2 today, but they were always meant to be with one I'd finished long time ago ;)
by Nameless
3 May 2014, o 20:09
Forum: Trashcan ;)
Topic: So...What mini(s) did you work on today?
Replies: 6359
Views: 1058172

Re: So...What mini(s) did you work on today?

finished goreshade the bastard, the cryx warcaster
by Nameless
23 Apr 2014, o 12:07
Forum: Manufacturers
Topic: Demented Games - Twisted
Replies: 4
Views: 3481

Re: Demented Games - Twisted

Hellspawn wrote:Prolly from some Vodka Brand
yeah, that was my first idea, but I'm waiting for an official statement ;)