Search found 13039 matches

by Demi_morgana
23 Mar 2017, o 21:18
Forum: Gotowe prace
Topic: [PL] Galeria JerzyKa
Replies: 728
Views: 200806

Re: [PL] Galeria JerzyKa

Wyjechany ten Twój niebieski metal :)
by Demi_morgana
17 Jan 2017, o 08:49
Forum: Showcase
Topic: zombie showcase
Replies: 652
Views: 135850

Re: zombie showcase


Haven't playd Necromunda for a long time now.
by Demi_morgana
15 Jan 2016, o 11:41
Forum: Tale of gamers
Topic:`s WFB von Carstein's Vampire Counts
Replies: 46
Views: 34734

Re:`s WFB von Carstein's Vampire Counts

I painted only like 150 so far... :razz:
by Demi_morgana
16 Oct 2015, o 07:52
Forum: Showcase
Topic: zombie showcase
Replies: 652
Views: 135850

Re: zombie showcase

Got your point but in mu fav WFB "era" (4/5 ed) all deaders were nice and cute :wink:
by Demi_morgana
16 Oct 2015, o 07:49
Forum: WIP
Topic:`s WIPs
Replies: 45
Views: 33425

Re:`s WIPs


I'd never have enough patience to give a try such a load of nmm.
Bravo! :clap:
by Demi_morgana
15 Oct 2015, o 08:09
Forum: Showcase
Topic: zombie showcase
Replies: 652
Views: 135850

Re: zombie showcase

Long time no see. Great to see there are people still posting in the ghost town tho :) Last months (or years...) weren't good for my hobby: less time, more duties, sh!tstorm hitting me regulary - for many reasons. But even though I am trying to get some minis done and recently I've been concentrated...
by Demi_morgana
15 Oct 2015, o 07:55
Forum: Gramy!
Topic: [PL] [Warheim] Raporty bitewne
Replies: 51
Views: 42754

Re: [PL] [Warheim] Raporty bitewne

Pozazdrościć! :clap:
Ja w sumie w ostatnim miesiący przypadkiem złożyłem załogę do Mordheim/Warheim - nawet zasady ściągnąłem.
Szkoda tylko że grać nie ma z kim na miejscu :(

Pytania dot. makiet kierować do kogo?
by Demi_morgana
18 Aug 2014, o 20:14
Forum: Showcase
Topic: Black and white Bear things
Replies: 128
Views: 47418

Re: Black and white Bear things

Well I don't so I'll rather stay on the safe, unpainted side :wink:
by Demi_morgana
18 Aug 2014, o 14:20
Forum: Showcase
Topic: Black and white Bear things
Replies: 128
Views: 47418

Re: Black and white Bear things

Nice one :D

My Mav-bug remains unpainted, don't dare to ruin it with my lousy painting :D
by Demi_morgana
4 Aug 2014, o 23:23
Forum: Showcase
Topic: finished minis
Replies: 29
Views: 18650

Re: finished minis

Yeah, I've spotted the Goblinmaster's in those, that's why I askd :wink: