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by voyager
2 Mar 2014, o 13:29
Forum: WIP
Topic: A Month of Sundays - my 96hrs of painting challenge
Replies: 55
Views: 28549

Re: A Month of Sundays - my 96hrs of painting challenge

Been mostly working on my gaming stuff lately, but felt it was time for a bit of a change of pace.
Wolfen Predator, WIP

Still very much a work in progress. Going to try to do NMM steel and gold, which will be tough for me. Not had any ...
by voyager
23 Feb 2014, o 09:02
Forum: Tale of gamers
Topic: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes
Replies: 20
Views: 14284

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Better photos of the warcasters. Finally!

ImageClick to see full-sized image

ImageClick to see full-sized image
by voyager
15 Feb 2014, o 07:43
Forum: Tale of gamers
Topic: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes
Replies: 20
Views: 14284

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Just because I had the camera out. All my fully painted Protectorate figures in one photo. I've got loads more of them, just in various stages of assembly and/or paint.
Protectorate of Menoth army, what is fully ...
by voyager
15 Feb 2014, o 06:48
Forum: Tale of gamers
Topic: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes
Replies: 20
Views: 14284

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Finally finished these two. Pictures aren't fantastic - the cream cloth on Junior is much nicer than this suggests, and the blues have a decent light-to-shade transition. However, they are done. Learned a lot from them too, and reasonably pleased with the final results :) ...
by voyager
13 Feb 2014, o 11:30
Forum: Tale of gamers
Topic: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes
Replies: 20
Views: 14284

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Got the oil washes done. This will take until tomorrow to dry fully, so I can possibly finish these at that time. This wash was really to get some definition into the metals, not to do the job of shading them fully. Photo is a bit harsh but you get the idea. ...
by voyager
12 Feb 2014, o 13:26
Forum: Tale of gamers
Topic: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes
Replies: 20
Views: 14284

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

I would push the shadows on the blue and yellow a bit more.

I'll see what I can do there. Some of that might be the very average photos.
pStryer & Junior, still WIP

Metals are just basecoated, bases are clearly not finished yet ...
by voyager
10 Feb 2014, o 15:12
Forum: Tale of gamers
Topic: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes
Replies: 20
Views: 14284

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Figured this could go here. Painting these up for a special project (more information on that over the coming weeks), this is not an army I collect and/or play.
pStryker & Journeyman Warcaster "Junior", WIP (front)

https ...
by voyager
6 Feb 2014, o 12:12
Forum: Tale of gamers
Topic: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes
Replies: 20
Views: 14284

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Been a while since the last update, good thing I have a little bit to show for it! Let's get straight into it!
Protectorate of Menoth Castigator

Photo doesn't really show the white off properly, it came up far better than ...
by voyager
29 Sep 2013, o 02:44
Forum: Tale of gamers
Topic: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes
Replies: 20
Views: 14284

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

Completed a bit more through the week, but didn't have chance to photograph them until today. Another Reckoner and the Guardian are done and dusted. Yes, I have two Reckoners. They are probably the best 'jack in the Menoth army, why wouldn't I have two? :) ...
by voyager
15 Sep 2013, o 09:32
Forum: Tale of gamers
Topic: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes
Replies: 20
Views: 14284

Re: March of War(machine) & Hordes of Hordes

very cool bases on the trolls
Thanks! I wanted to make it look like a highland meadow (since they wear tartans and all), so I built them up with woodchips that I "borrowed" from the park, added some sand and painted it like dark loamy soil, then added the tufts on. I like them, the whole army will ...