3rd Festival of Miniatures Painting and Sculpture in Toruń

Eh, I am writing to pester those who didn’t make it to the festival. ;-P

Toruń charmed me as usually, and I hope the miniatures festival will become a tradition.

It’s a good place to chat freely, weather seems better than it really is, and time seems to flow in a crazy way. And before I realized, we were on the driveway, back from the trip, and Balrog asked “why was our stay in Torun so short? 5 days would be better”.

This year I didn’t manage to finish my entry, so to avoid going empty-handed I took a WIP with me:

Ech, piszę żeby pognębić tych co nie dotarli ;-P

Toruń tradycyjnie zachwycał, a festiwal figurkowy, mam nadzieję, że przejdzie do tradycji. Jest to miejsce tgdzie rozmowy płyną swobodnie, w niepogodę jest jakby pogodniej, a czas szaleje. I nim się spostrzegłam Balrog na podjeździe pytał “dlaczego byliśmy tak krótko w Toruniu. 5 dni byłoby lepiej”.

W tym roku nie zdążyłam skończyć pracy, więc by nie jechać z pustymi rękami zabrałam ze sobą WIP:

My unfinished entry
My unfinished entry

Colleagues from the Exceptionally Lazy Modellers Club were very hospitable and they invited me to place my work in their non-contest cabinet. 😀 And I feel that it was the only one to stay true to the name of the club… There were like 30 FINIISHED works in the display cabinet – what a failure 😉

The competition entries have been presented in the internet, so I won’t repeat them here. Here are the ones I liked the most (in a pretty random order):

Kasia’s faun, beautifully composed. It was the only bust without the usual cleanly-cut edges, and the way it was blending into the wooden surrounding created unique ambience.

Koledzy z Klubu Wyjątkowo Leniwych Modelarzy gościnnie przygarnęli mnie i udostępnili miejsce w pozakonkursowej gablocie dla mojej pracy 😀 I mam wrażenie że jako jedyna oddawała ducha tej organizacji… W gablocie było około 30 SKOŃCZONYCH prac – porażka 😉

Prace konkursowe w wielu miejscach sa już opublikowane, więc nie będę się powtarzać. Mnie najbardziej przypadły do gustu (kolejność losowa):

Faun Kasi, pięknie skomponowany – było to jedyne popiersie które nie miało klasycznie oberżniętych krawędzi, a wtopienie go w drewniane otoczenie zbudowało niepowtarzalny klimat.

Kasia's faun
Kasia’s faun

Certain Karol R. expected to win also this the contest. Fortunately for us, he wasn’t wrong ;-P and the awards ceremony passed in a friendly way. But seriously,  I liked Rudyk’s display, and let showcasing his works in my scrapbook serve as a proof.

Niejaki Karol R. i tym razem podejrzewał, że zwycięży. Na nasze szczęście nie, mylił się ;-P i rozdanie nagród przebiegło w przyjaznej atmosferze. A tak bez żartów, to i mnie podobała się wystawka Rudyka, na dowód czego wyróżniam Go u siebie w notesie:

Karol Rudyk's work
Karol Rudyk’s work

Here Lan charges his batteries for the next year’s show. ;-D As you can see, prizes for the awarded artists were pretty plentiful.

Lan ładuje baterie do przyszłorocznej wystawy ;-D Jak widać upominków dla wyróżnionych organizatorzy jak zwykle mieli na… kilogramy.

Lan charging his batteries
Lan charging his batteries

Mr. Pencil was pretty amusing and didn’t disappoint even after closer examination. Accurate association drew attention to this piece. 🙂

Pan Ołówek bawił a przy bliższym poznaniu nie rozczarowywał. Celne skojarzenie przyciągało uwagę 🙂

Mr. Pencil
Mr. Pencil

Artur Miniszewski made a diorama which made me wonder why I even bought any more acrylics???!!!!!

Artur Miniszewski zrobił dioramkę przy której zaczęłam się zastanawiać po co kupiłam kolejne akryle???!!!!!!

Artur Miniszewski's work
Artur Miniszewski’s work

I would be unable to see it all if it wasn’t for the Guardian Mahon.

Nie mogłabym tego wszystkiego zobaczyć i przegadać tak przyjemnie czasu gdyby nie Mahoń Stróż.

Guardian Mahon
Guardian Mahon

There were a few interesting exhibitors, so my wallet suffered. I limited myself to purchasing only 2 bases and 10 paints from a brand that I had never tried before. I also received a glass dome for a model and a 000-sized synthetic paintbrush as a bonus from Loot Pile.

Było kilku ciekawych wystawców, więc portfel zubożał. Powściągliwie wybrałam dwie podstawki i 10 farbek z firmy której wcześniej nie miałam na palecie. W gratisie dostałam szklaną kopułę na model i pędzelek syntetyczny 000 od firmy Loot Pile.

3rd Festival of Miniatures Painting and Sculpting in Torun

3rd Festival of Miniatures Painting and Sculpting in Torun

3rd Festival of Miniatures Painting and Sculpting in Torun

3rd Festival of Miniatures Painting and Sculpting in Torun

Of course we returned late, just for the night, so the luggage is still unpacked and I am playing with my new paints. The paints seem to be highly efficient, indeed.  Although they’re thin, they’re very well pigmented. One only needs to be careful when applying them – they flow easily, so it’s easy to overdo it in the first attempts.

Theoretically they should remain fresh on the palette for a long time thanks to their thinness. It would make me happy, as I am the kind of a painter who keeps mixing her paints all the time.

Oczywiście wróciliśmy późno, na noc, torba nierozpakowana a ja nacieszam się farbami. Farby rzeczywiście wydajne i choć rzadkie, to esensjonalne. Trzeba tylko być ostrożnym przy dozowaniu – wypływają ‘bezwysiłkowo’ i łatwo przy pierwszych użyciach przedawkować. Teoretycznie dzięki ich rzadkości powinny dość długo zachowywać świeżość na palecie – to by mi się podobało, bo jestem typem wiecznie miksującym barwy.

3rd Festival of Miniatures Painting and Sculpting in Torun 3rd Festival of Miniatures Painting and Sculpting in Torun

The brush runs well and is easy to control, but I would prefer to waith with my judgement until I use it a bit more, as I am used to the kind of bristles that natural brushes have, or maybe it’s a matter of the length of bristles? Oh my, I just picked a new 3/0 Raphael 8404 brush and the other one seems to be like its synthetic clone!

 Pędzel rzeczywiście dobrze się prowadzi, choć nie chciałabym oceniać go po pierwszym użyciu, bo jestem przyzwyczajona do gibkości włosia naturalnego, a może to kwestia jego długości? O rety, sięgnęłam po nowy pędzelek 3/0 Raphael 8404 i jest to jego syntetyczny klon.

3rd Festival of Miniatures Painting and Sculpting in Torun

3rd Festival of Miniatures Painting and Sculpting in Torun

Which means the brush is simply stiffer. For me it runs more like a Winsor & Newton brush. I will use it while finishing the knight model, so I will be able to expand my judgement. And if you want to add anything on this subject, feel free to do so. 🙂 And here’s a sample of the synthetic brush and my new paints: Czyli to włosie jest sztywniejsze. Na moje oko prowadzi się bardziej jak Winsor&Newton. Dokończę nim model Rycerza i dołożę do tej opinii 3 grosze. Jeśli ktoś chce coś dodać, to śmiało 🙂

Poniżej próbka pędzla syntetycznego i moich nowych farb:

3rd Festival of Miniatures Painting and Sculpting in Torun

Golden Demons 2012: Clash of Slayer Sword winners

Another year has passed by and we are lucky to get some more great painted miniatures from painters who participated at Golden Demon contest organized by Games Workshop. If you would like to remembrance what entries have won last year, check here: Golden Demon 2011 Slayer Sword winners.

This year I have asked other great painter to share their opinion with us.

Slayer Sword France 2012: Bruno Lavallée – Empire griffin

Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (16)

Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (15)


Bruno’s entry is a wonderful monster, very well painted, to a level we would expect from Bruno. The painting detail of the skin in the demigyph is awesome, the composition is very well executed, with a nice ambiance and an interesting pose. The worse part in my opinion is the head of the rider, a poor sculpture which is only interesting for the hair, and the face is not up to the standard of the whole piece. Nicely worked base and terrain too! One of my favorites this year.


I have a bit of a mixed feeling with this one. It isn’t the 100% custom sculpted magic we’re used from GD France, but a slightly modified (head swap as far as I know of) Forge World model. It’s also difficult to judge the painting on the model, it’s hard to see on the pictures but all surfaces seem to be finely textured: dents in the armor, fur on the beast, etc. And of course the base is magnificent!

It isn’t the 100% custom sculpted magic we’re used from GD France


I like the overall composition, great base and color choice. Big mounted model with good paint job, I especially like the demigryph with his textures. The rider’s face and metallics are really great, also nice steam punk-look lance. The base is great itself.

Matt Cexwish

Hmmmmmm… :)… Much more then meets the eye actually! I really dig the nice black cut out base that Bruno has created for his project…

The saliva and glossy looking beak and eyes really make the demigryph come to live… I also like the sharp metal reflexes and nicely worked out details on the skin and the base… All in all a very solid and strong entry, but again pretty out of the box… I think that it could have been improved by adding some more Detail that shows more of the Knights story like a little companion or some stuff he has cramped on his saddle…

The French GD has always been one (if not THE) most innovative Golden Daemon in the past and I am sure that there were a lot of amazing sculpts that were not considered because of the newly changed IP doctrine…

Slayer Sword Spain 2012: Pablo López – Board´em!!

Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (17)



Pablo’s entry is a good diorama, well executed and very well done in terms of GW lore and use of commercial bits  and the idea behind is well thought. There are many bad details which make the whole piece worse, like the tree, the base in general, the painting level of the imperial crew, the poor level of the transformations… Overall is a very nice piece but not worthy of a Slayer Sword in my opinion. A lucky strike considering the competition!

well executed and very well done in terms of GW lore and use of commercial bits  and the idea behind is well thought


Classic diorama’s like this which depict a scene which can come straight out of the concept art of the Warhammer universe are always a recipe for success. It’s also painted in a more classic way than the previous Spanish Slayer Sword winners, which were much more technical.


Classic diorama with really good execution. Pretty old school paint job, but nothing spectacular. Nice storytelling scene. I would like to see more details on Savage Orcs, for example tattoos or at least more work on their green skin, maybe some additional colors on their mugs or something else. Of course, author put in this piece a lot of work and I like the whole composition, but overall it’s not what I expect for SS winner in diorama category and I don’t like spongy trees.

Matt Cexwish

For me personally, maybe the biggest surprise in this years Golden Daemon season… I am kinda intrigued by the general setup of the diorama, although I also think that paloji could have been much, much braver in his decisions, composition and conversions… As the sculpt of the Forge World land sShip lacks some Elegance and the additional, plausible Storytelling and Detail it is really a pity that no one has yet achieved to add it in the past…

I wished the sheer wild nature of the Feral Orks would show in a more natural way… the Orks could have been like a Monstrous Green Tidal wave, with hundreds and hundreds of them smashing into the side of the Ship and gradually tipping it over… It is this kind of detail that would have driven this Project to my absolute favorite this year, but like this I got the impression that something is missing and the whole scene remains extremely flat and bound to it´s Square base (although it is pretty clear that it´s converted and painted nicely…)… Also, I think that Paloji ended up in a not very pleasant situation as he has said himself that the giant from Marc Masclans was the better project… However, congratulations to you, dear Paloji, for your first Slayer Sword! 🙂

Slayer Sword Japan 2012: Christoph Blumenthal – Crisis Battlesuit

Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (14)


Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (13)


Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (12)


Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (11)



Cristoph’s is by far the worst of the Slayer Swords this year, obviously we shouldn’t expect the same level as we expect in Europe to the new GD in Japan. I like the choice of the idea and the basing and colors of the ground. The work on the Tau Armour is very poor and so is the overall painting. But again, it’s a new GD! I’m sure we will see the level rising in Japan soon.

I am not too keen on the idea of a unbalanced diorama and thus think that the goblin is no match for the suit


Let’s hope this is a warming up for the next Japan GD’s… This entry and the other winners all have a lot of potential so I’m sure we’ll see some amazing things coming our way in the next few years. My main comment about this particular piece would be the composition: there’s no real focus point here, and the grot has no added value in my opinion.


Well, the first GD in Japan is history! Congratulations to organizers and participants, I hope next year GD will be better with better entries and especially the main prize – not paper. As for the winner – for me too few shadows, that’s why model looks really flat. I love weathering and whole scene, the base and the lamp.

Matt Cexwish

Well, besides getting the notorious, very First and World Exclusive Paper Slayer Print, Christoph did a decent job on his combat suit… I was waiting for a long time to finally see a Japanese Golden Daemon and it was pretty obvious that the first will be rather small and humble, yet this entry shows some advanced ideas regarding the textures and setup of used elements (like the nice lamp post and the general post apocalyptic feeling to it…)…

I am not too keen on the idea of a unbalanced diorama and thus think that the goblin is no match for the suit (also, he is shooting him in the back… which doesn´t make it any better…)… Maybe a classical “David Vs. Goliath” theme would have worked with switched roles (e.g. a very strong goblin against a somehow weak, elegant, fragile suit…)… But then again, this doesn´t really seem to fit with the idea of the Tau… Hhhm, difficult start, but a start at least! :D… Very much looking forward seeing the 2013 GD Japan entries! 🙂

Slayer Sword US 2012: Todd Swanson – Wood Elf Lilith Hesperax

Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (10)


Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (9)



Todd’s Lilith Hesperax is a very interesting piece. Quite a conversion and a very nice idea in general, and the painting is very correct. However there are things that you cannot ask from a conversion work and I think Todd tried hard in making the conversion believable but the right leg is absolutely broken, and the little faerie thing (whatever that is) in her hand is funny but completely unreal and out of context with Lilith’s pose. Great base also, tiny but filled with interesting details!

painting miniatures out of the box without any modifications seems like a much more sure way to win a trophy, but it also leaves less space for imagination


The conversion of this 40K model left it with some odd bends in the legs, or is this due to the Finecast? The skin, which makes up most of this model, lacks contrast and the heavy black lining is something you don’t see that often anymore these days. But in general it is quite an impressive conversion and the base looks great.


Hesperax is a nice chick, but her right leg… Simple paint job, but very clean and smooth. Good skin tone, tattoos, I like especially the face and hair. Nothing mind blowing and special for a SS winner, but it’s a nice model and very good conversion and of course very good base.

Matt Cexwish

Again, much more then one could think at the first glance… Todd´s Project is just meticulous and insane! He has filed down each and every single piece of cloth and armor on a pretty filigrane miniature and managed to create some new, unique and very well fitting additional pieces… In a time when Games Workshop tries to strongly encourage work displaying their own IP as a means of advertisement, painting miniatures out of the box without any modifications seems like a much more sure way to win a trophy, but it also leaves less space for imagination, new, fresh ideas and finally interesting entries and inspiration for both the hobbyists and the production studio…

I think it´s a great way to start converting miniatures as Todd did here with a lot of subtle, yet extremely effective and well chosen additions to still get the attention with the judges it really deserves… I like the outcome and think that it´s much better in hand then it is on the pics (since they are magnified a good 10 times at least…).. Very nice Job, Todd!

Slayer Sword Germany 2012: Raffaele Picca – Untold Honor

Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (8)


Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (7)



Untold honor by Raffa is one of the best Slayer Swords this year too. I like the idea, the dynamism, the colors, the work on the base, the level of detail, the painting work, nearly everything. I specially like the way he managed to get the characters to be floating in the air. The only thing I do not like that much is the composition of the piece. There is too much protagonism in the base, and at first sight you don’t see the dwarf that well. I believe he could have been better off with less height on the terrain. Apart from that and the water splashes not being very realistic, I absolutely love it.

Only the best can achieve this kind of “aesthetic corrections” and Raffa is certainly one of them…


I had the luck of seeing this piece in real life a couple of times this year and it’s truly breathtaking. Custom sculpted figures and an over the top, Massive Voodoo style base make this my number 2 for this year’s Slayer Sword list.


Well, I can go talking and talking about this diorama long time… Masterpiece, I love dynamic scene, my beloved race from fantasy world – Dwarf, great terrain and of course fantastic paint job. Picster is one of the most talented painters nowadays and here is the another proof. Well deserved SS! Amazing job!

Matt Cexwish

:)… Jungle Brother Raffa is like a living warranty: Whatever this crazed chimp spits out after working hard on it, it will be great… :D… I have seen this piece in person as I was in the jury of the German Games Day 2012 and – boy – he did it again! The most astonishing part is surely not the setup, which we all have seen a couple of times (a fearless hero jumping head first into a brutal and violent monster / enemy… meh), but the way he has achieved this piece is really something extraordinary…

The dwarf is completely sculpted and one would not expect how SMALL it actually is… Painting wise, Raffa has really succeeded in something that becomes more vital in these days of 3D enhanced modeling: To paint the scales of the troll in a more naturalistic, smooth way then the sculpt would suggest… It really speaks highly of his skill to see that he has managed to turn a flaw of the sculpt to something you end up noticing as something very well painted… Only the best can achieve this kind of “aesthetic corrections” and Raffa is certainly one of them…

Slayer Sword UK 2012: Karol Rudyk – Vampire Lord

Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (6)


Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (5)



Karol’s Vampire Dragon is absolutely stunning. A great work, amazing choice of colors and very well executed job on the red of the wings, a very risky choice which turned out beautifully. My biggest concerns on this piece are the position of the rider, saddle and banner. I don’t like how the rider is leaning to one side, with the banner making an unreal diagonal and without any sensation of weight which it would have in a position like that one. The painting is superb though, one of my favorites this year.

That’s what I see in my head when I think “Slayer Sword”. Big model with a lot of details and fantastic composition.


My favorite of this year, thanks to the overall dark and evil atmosphere together with the razor-sharp painting. I’m speechless…


For me Karol’s work is the best SS this year. That’s what I see in my head when I think “Slayer Sword”. Big model with a lot of details and fantastic composition. It reminds me of another work – 1st place in Monster Category at GD UK 2003 by Matt Parkes. Karol did a very rich diorama with lot of details and mood. I love the blood, dark atmosphere, banner, the base…

What more can I say? Vampire on the Zombie Dragon is my number one in 2012!

Matt Cexwish

I met Karol 2 times already and I always knew that he will strike it big one day as his miniatures are something genuinely special! The finish is so smooth and Matt, you would not expect it… His freehands are amongst the absolute best in the miniature world… He is amongst the few that have a genuine graphical talent and you can clearly see it in his masterpiece, the Vampire Lord + favorite pet… The only flaw I can spot is the lack of dynamic in the Banner (which should be pretty ragged and moved by the wind actually…), but that´s nitpicking on a very high level… The smoothness of the paint job and the nearly photo realistic NMM metallics are really something special…

I am so glad that Karols Oddysee to the UK ended up so successfully and that some people that did not want to allow him into the competition had to think again afterwards… Also, I want to thank him for the stir he has made selling his China Slayer Sword afterwards, showing as much respect to it as he had felt when he was awarded with it… You got to stay true to your principles…

Slayer Sword Australia 2012: Mark Soley – Nurgle Lord

Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (4)



Mark’s Nurgle paladin is very well painted, beautiful choice of colors overall and I really like the detail of the corpse in the water which he maintained transparent so that we could see what’s happening inside. The biggest flaw for me is that the miniature is nearly an out of the box project and probably not enough for a Slayer Sword in my opinion, a little miniature with a painting not that mind blowing to be a Slayer Sword without anything else, but is is always difficult to judge from photos.

The biggest flaw for me is that the miniature is nearly an out of the box project.


All serious Golden Demon contestants know the “gaming base rule” is quite a silly one. Some entries almost make fun of this rule by building a huge diorama on top of a 25x25mm base. This entry does it in another, extremely creative way. A good conversion, great painting and flawless water effects, wow! My number three of the list.


Another single model with big base. It’s a thin line between single model and diorama and some of the GD rules about bases would be verified and/or changed. I like the paint job and the overall idea. Maybe another nurgle champion is boring for some people (like me), but I have to say, it is painted on a high level. I like color scheme and very limited palette.

Matt Cexwish

I have seen so, so many versions of this miniature that it gets me a little bit tired… Here, I like the base most, as it is more complex and quite challenging from a technical point of view… The nurgle warrior on top is nearly completely replaceable with any other fantasy miniature and that´s why I think that more modification or a bolder use of wicked colors would have worked better… Besides that, the whole paint job is a little bit too flat, but it does transport the message of a rotting nurgle warrior pretty nicely and subtle…

Slayer Sword Italy 2012: Luciano Rossetto – Ork Warboss

Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (3)

Photo: Golden Demons 2012: Slayer Sword to kill other slayers (1)



Luciano’s Ork is amazing, a huge piece with an outstanding work on conversion, modeling and sculpting, filled with little details that tell lots of stories, dynamism and superbly painted to the highest standard. A very well deserved Slayer Sword in a GD which was swarming with good pieces and again, one of my favorites this year.

Makes you wonder about the true nature of the Orks, like a dance on the very thin line between ferocious wildness and murderous fun…


Not really appealing to me but a flawless, very dynamic piece. Well deserved.


Nice, dynamic model, great skin, freehands and the reds. Nothing amazing for me in 100%, but I think this Ork deserved for 1st place in his category.

Matt Cexwish

Forte! :D… I was lucky enough to see this in person at the Monte San Savino Show 2012 in the Tuscany and was amazed by the size and details! Definitely, a highly personalized and condensed entry… The balanced, nearly dance like posture of the heavy, wild Ork evokes the impression as if he is gently swaying through the enemy lines, which is unusual and interestingly done!

Also, it´s pretty evident that Luciano has painted quite a few historical miniatures before (if you look at the smooth blending, the texture on the armor, the nice metals…)… Makes you wonder about the true nature of the Orks, like a dance on the very thin line between ferocious wildness and murderous fun… Thanks for creating that and sharing it with us…

Your opinion?

As always your opinion is important, so what do you think about those entries?

Which one do you like best?

Where Golden Demon has the highest standard?

Vote, share your opinion and comment here or at our forum!

— sea.man

Hussar 2012 miniature painting contest report

This year we were lucky to participate in the third edition of the Hussar miniature painting competition. This event grew to become one of the most important events for miniature painters in Poland, and with support from Cool Mini Or Not, Hussar 2012 was a tempting choice for any miniature painting enthusiast. After all the main prize is nothing to scoff at!

Who was there?

This edition of Hussar was special not only because it confirmed the contest’s position, but also because there were as many foreign entrants as never before. Oh, well, it means only two, but it’s still more than any previous edition got. 😉 The two guests were Nakatan (Ivan Victorovich Melnikov, who came with his wife) and Zaphod (Michael Bartels).

Of course there were many Polish painters, including the most popular and recognized Polish painters. We met many old friends and had a chance to get to know new ones. People started socializing very soon and hobby talk was heard all over the place.

There was a special promotional miniature named “HussaAAARGHHH!!!”, which could be purchased at the event.

Hussar 2012 (3)

Hussar 2012 promo miniature

There were a few hobby stores present at Hussar 2012, so hobbyists could see in person many products they have only known from the internet, including MaxMini bits, Kromlech stuff, Ogniem i Mieczem (By Fire and Sword) miniatures and all the stuff brought by the White Tree staff.

Other attractions

Most curious or adventurous guests could try their skills at digital 3-d sculpting. There were tablets with necessary software, plus some assistance from experienced experts. Moreover, there was a special presentation by MaxMini about the process of digital sculpting.

One of the most popular things at the contest was a special cabinet for showcase of miniatures, which were not entered into the contest. There were quite a few miniatures from Ana, Bohun, Flameon, Karol Rudyk, Loler, Maru, Nameless and Przemo there.

Hussar 2012 (4)

 There was also a painting workshop with Przemek Wałęga (Przemo), who taught about painting miniatures and contrast. And people who spent the day at the location of the contest, could participate in a fun speed painting contest, more about which will be written later.

Hussar 2012 (1)

Hussar 2012 (2)


Hussar 2012 miniature painting contest

Obviously the central part of this whole event was the miniature painting competition. This time there were 75 entries, but the overall quality surprised both the judges and the entrants. I heard it from many participants that they hadn’t expected that high quality and such strong competition. We’ve seen high quality entries in the previous editions of Hussar, but the overall quality of entries has never been as high as this year.

Just like in the previous editions of Hussar, there were 4 categories: Diorama, Large model, Single fantasy miniature and Single sci-fi miniature.

Here are pictures of all the entries from the competition with some special attention given to winners of trophies and honorable mentions.


As there are no separate categories for units or duels, these go into the diorama category. This category  allows to emphasize modeling work, story worked into the model, and interaction between models. It also allows to use bigger bases than the remaining categories.

Gold in diorama: Łukasz Grzyb [CTAN] – “Chocolate Factory”
Silver in diorama: Melnikov Ivan Victorovich [NAKATAN] – “Hard Corps vs Hive Mind”
Bronze in diorama: Adam Hałon [LOLER] – “Obcy”

Honourable mentions

Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist

Ania Machowska [AŃA] – “Orc Warboss & Grot”
Iga Walczewska-Bińczyk [IGNIS] – “Black & White”
Jarosław Borzdyński [MADFLY-ART] – “Karabidae & Krapbots”

Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist

Przemek Wałęga [PRZEMO] – “Bunt”
Michał Jankiewicz – “Orc Buggy”
Piotr Karpiński – “Dzidy”

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Large Model

This year there was still no separation between machines and other larger miniatures. It seems this category may be split into two separate categories in future, if only enough entries are prepared and entered to the competition.

Gold in large model: Łukasz Grzyb [CTAN] – “Goldfish”
Silver in large model: Melnikov Ivan Victorovich [NAKATAN] – “In the Land of Giants”
Bronze in large model: Iga Walczewska-Bińczyk [IGNIS] – “Time”

Honourable mentions

Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist

Marek Borowski [KERAM] – “Gorbad the Headhunter”
Jarek Drabek [CAMELSON] – “Hellbrute”

Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist

Ania Machowska [AŃA] – “Nokjaegerin”
Jarosław Borzdyński [MADFLY-ART] – “Death Guard Contemptor Dreadnought”

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Single Fantasy Miniature

These don’t really need to be fantasy models. Historical models representing characters from the period before 1914 are also allowed, and some historical models in 15mm scale were entered, indeed. This category was very popular and so many entries displayed great quality, that many honourable mentions were awarded.

Gold in single fantasy miniature: Adam Hałon [LOLER] – “Bretoński Rycerz”
Silver in single fantasy miniature: Ania Machowska [AŃA] – “King’s Man”
Bronze in single fantasy miniature: Łukasz Grzyb [CTAN] – “Co ja pacze”

Honourable mentions

Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist

Jarek Drabek [CAMELSON] – “Yarry”
Radosław Bartnik [LEMARTES] – “Tomb King”
Michael Bartels [ZAPHOD] – “Ode to Raffa”

Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist

Magdalena Wróbel – “Captain of the Empire”
Michał Cios – “Regimentarz Stanisław Lubomirski”
Michał Pisarski [LAN STUDIO] – “Isabela von Carstein”

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Przemek Wałęga [PRZEMO] – “Goblin”
Przemek Jacko [SZARY] – “Caradryan the Sea Fenix”

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Single Sci-Fi Miniature

This category also allows historical models from the period of 1914 and later, yet no historical models were entered. Maybe the next year we will see any? This time most entries were Warhammer 40.000 models, but some other manufacturers were represented as well.

Gold in single sci-fi miniature: Melnikov Ivan Victorovich [NAKATAN] – “Last mistake of sergeant Joe”
Silver in single sci-fi miniature: Artur Żołędowski [ARTUR] – “Ork”

Bronze in single sci-fi miniature: Karol Rudyk – “Chaos Lord”

Honourable mentions

Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist

Michał Orzeł – “Still searching”
Adam Hałon [LOLER] – “Chaplain”
Michał Gendek – “Imperial Fist Veteran”

Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist  Hussar 2012 finalist

Ania Machowska [AŃA] – “Geisha Assassin”
Michał Pisarski [LAN STUDIO] – “God of Winter”
Łukasz Grzyb [CTAN] – “Time for dinner”

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Hussar contest entry, 2012  Hussar contest entry, 2012

Best Junior

There is no separate category for youngbloods at Hussar, so young painters compete in the same categories as their older colleagues. But there was a special award for the best work of a painter born in 1996 or later. The award for the Best Junior painter went to Marek Borkowski (KeraM) for this work, which also won him an honourable mention in the Large model category.

Best Junior: Marek Borowski [KERAM] – “Gorbad the Headhunter”

Grand Prix

The Grand Prix always goes to the author of one of four works that took gold in our four main categories. This time the winner was Nakatan, who painted this impressive Eldar model. It seems it was a good decision to come to Poland and try his luck at Hussar!

The Grand Prix: Melnikov Ivan Victorovich [NAKATAN] – “Last mistake of sergeant Joe”

As some of you surely remember the winner receives a return ticket to the USA for the next edition of the Crystal Brush contest. We’re sure Nakatan will enjoy the trip just as much as he enjoyed the trophy – a beautiful sabre, admired and complimented by everyone who saw slayer  swords.

Hussar 2012 (6)

Speed Painting

As it has been mentioned already, there was a speed painting competition for everybody who felt like participating in this little fun contest. There is always a little twist that every painter is only given 3 colors and can only use them until a signal is given to pass the paints to another participants and receive new ones from somebody else. This results in pretty creative color schemes and forces out-of-the-box approach. There were nearly 20 entries, and the winners were:

  1. Łukasz Grzyb [CTAN]
  2. Filip Marković [NAMELESS]
  3. Tomasz Wolski

Here is a photo of the winning speed-painted high elf:

Hussar 2012 speed painting contest winner
Gold in speed painting: Łukasz Grzyb [CTAN]

The ceremony

Everyone anxiously awaited the awards ceremony. It was great to see hobbyists congratulate their colleagues and their successes, and especially to see Nakatan’s happy face when he was declared the overall winner, received the sabre trophy mentioned before and a special prize from Cool Mini Or Not – return ticket to Crystal Brush 2013.

Hussar 2012 (5)

After the ceremony most participants went to the afterparty, for yet more socializing, some beer and enjoying seeing the miniatures in person without the barrier of display cabinets. Our foreign guests seemed happy and satisfied with the event.

Hussar 2013?

So will there be another edition of Hussar in 2013? We hope so, and what we heard unofficially, everything seems to be going just right to make Hussar 2013 possible! We hope the reputation and popularity of the contest continue to grow and improve, and to see more foreign hobbyists in Warsaw in a year.

Hope to meet you at Hussar in October 2013!

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report

Nothing gives me a kick to paint like looking at some nicely painted miniatures. Last weekend I had a chance to go to the Duke of Bavaria 2012 (or Herzog von Bayern 2012) contest in Germany. It was the 12th edition and my second I were at.

Herzog von Bayern 2012 report (1)

The contest takes place in Ingolstadt, a beautiful old city which is known for it’s Audi factory. The whole event is in old castle called Neues Schloss where the Bavarian Army Museum is.

Herzog von Bayern 2012 report (2)

Herzog von Bayern 2012 report (3)

Another benefit is that at the same time in the castle’s courtyard during the weekend is a local fest. So after many hours of looking at miniatures it is nice to sit on the bench, have a cold beer in 1 liter glass, called “Maß”, eat a Wieswurst with local music played live.

Herzog von Bayern 2012 report (11)

The Duke of Bavaria 2012 contest started on Friday and lasted for 3 days. Usually most of the people come on Saturday, that is when the deadline for entering miniatures is. The results are given on the next day, so on Sunday you can pick up your entires. So in general it is a two days contest. Each painter entering in the contest has to pay €10 fee.

You really can’t feel bored there because just to watch the entries takes 1 or 2 hours. They are all gathered in one big room. There are no display cabinets so the entries are just on the shelves. So you can carefully take them and watch from really, really close from each side. Great thing about the Duke of Bavaria is that you can talk to people how did they paint something and then they just show you on the model! You can learn so much from just looking and talking to those masters of brush.

Herzog von Bayern 2012 report (5)

Herzog von Bayern 2012 report (6)

Herzog von Bayern 2012 report (7)

There were also some classes (including  miniature painting classes), each devoted to different topics…

Herzog von Bayern 2012 report (4)

Herzog von Bayern 2012 report (8)

… and display cabinets where judges show their own great works:

Herzog von Bayern 2012 report (12)

Herzog von Bayern 2012 report (13)

Herzog von Bayern 2012 report (14)

Herzog von Bayern 2012 report (15)

Also there were many shops, where you could spend some money. Plenty to choose from – little companies or big names like Pegaso.

The Duke of Bavaria 2012 contest

The form of the contest is very open and categories give that feeling:

  1. Junior Cup
  2. Beginner
  3. Standard-Class
    • Standard Painting
    • Standard Open
    • Standard Flats 30 mm
    • Standard Flats over 30 mm
    • Fantasy Standard Painting
    • Fantasy Standard Open
  4. Master-Class
    • Master Painting
    • Master Open
    • Master Flats 30 mm
    • Master Flats over 30 mm
    • Fantasy Master Painting
    • Fantasy Master Open
  5. Dioramas / Vignettes
  6. Out of competition

For every category there are two classes: Master- and Standard-Class. You can enter only one for each category, i.e. Standard class Fantasy Painting and Master class Painting.

In each category you get a display place where you can put your entires that fall into this one category (the design of the display (Cloth, stairs, socket) is a freely selectable form, the standard size of the displays is approx. 30 x 30 cm). So if you have 3 single 32mm fantasy miniatures + 2 single 32mm sci-fi minis – they all go together as one entry into Master/Standard ‘Fantasy Painting’ category

Judging at Duke of Bavaria is also a bit different from what you know from other contests.

Judging System:

The judges give 0 – 4 points.

4 points mean GOLD

3 points mean SILVER

2 points mean BRONZE

1 point means RECOMMENDED

0 points mean NO AWARD

In every category there are 3 jurors, which means:

10 – 12 points GOLD

7 – 9 points SILVER

6 – 8 points BRONZE

3 – 5 points RECOMMENDED

0 – 2 points NO AWARD

So the rules are very unique and this is what makes Duke of Bavaria special. It means that there can be more than one bronze, silver or gold. The organizers motivate their decision about such formula that they don’t want painters to compete with each other – just with themselves.

There are also many special awards given from different clubs, i.e.:

  • best painted Bavarian soldier (award given from the museum director)
  • best native American miniature (from one of the judges)
  • best creative entry (award from Massive VooDoo monkeys)

and many, many different awards from painting clubs around Europe (Belgium, France, Italy, Czech and Germany). What orginisers could do better, would be to write about those awards before the contest, or maybe it is supposed to be that way?


I have never been on a ceremony that lasts almost 1,5 hour. But it is in a wonderful chamber and all the winners’ entries are shown (so you know what they get medals for).


The key part of every contest, have fun watching them!

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (16)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (17)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (18)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (19)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (20)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (21)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (22)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (23)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (24)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (25)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (26)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (27)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (28)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (29)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (30)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (31)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (32)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (33)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (34)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (35)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (36)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (37)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (38)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (39)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (40)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (41)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (42)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (43)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (44)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (45)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (46)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (47)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (48)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (49)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (50)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (51)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (52)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (53)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (54)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (55)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (56)

Duke of Bavaria 2012 report (57)

If you would like to know more about the contest, here is the oficial web page, and to see how was it last year and what great miniatures were there, just click here.

— Sea.man

5th Chest of Colors Miniature Exchange Summary

The 5th edition of Chest of Colors Miniature Exchange is finished now. The miniatures were painted, sent and received…

That was fun!

5th Miniature Exchange

Miniature exchange in numbers

2 months of secrets, anticipation, surprises, gifts, minis travelling all around the world… That’s what Chest of Colors Mini Exchanges are all about and this one was no exception. 38 participants from 10 countries did their best to paint a miniature for a fellow member of our forum.

Looking back at the 5th Miniature Exchange

It was really cool to follow ME threads (in English and Polish) on the forum. As the organiser I also have the additional knowledge, i.e. heap of e-mails and private messages with questions, requests etc. Man, let me tell you – these people really got into the exchange! It wasn’t just “I sent. I received” event. Oh, no, far from that. They paid a lot of attention to every detail, thought hard about a mini selection, tried to paint to their maximum level, been worried about the recipient’s reaction, shared their thoughts and feelings throughout the event.

For that I want to thank them. I’ve only e-mailed few addresses and replied to several questions. They have made the Mini Exchange another unforgettable experience.

6th Miniature Exchange?

Another Mini Exchange, you ask? Hell yeah!

Just be an active member of Chest of Colors forum and sooner or later you will have a chance to join and find all of this by yourself. See you next time!

Collected works

In the meantime, you can check the gallery of the 5th Chest of Colors Mini Exchange. It’s the best summary of what we did.

Now what do you think about such exchanges? Aren’t they fun? Share your opinion with us, send your suggestions. Maybe we can make the event even better!

— Nameless